wp-greet documentation (english)

This Page contains the english manual of wp-greet, the first greetingcard plugin for wordpress.

wp-greet is a WordPress plugin to send greetingcards from your WordPress blog.
wp-greet uses the plugin NextGenGallery (http://alexrabe.boelinger.com/wordpress-plugins/nextgen-gallery/), version 0.94 or higher, to manage the greetingcards. wp-greet version 1.3 or higher requires WordPress version ≥2.5 and NextGenGallery version ≥1.0.0. It is tested with WordPress up to version 3.5.1 and NextGenGallery up to version 1.9.7.

Topic 1. to 4. of this documentation assume that you have alreay installed NextGenGallery version 0.94 or higher. If you haven’t yet installed NextGenGallery you find a short installing instruction under topic 5.

wp-greet offers several options to avoid spam and to keep spambots from using your greetingcards as spam mail. wp-greet supports the plugins Captcha!, where a captcha code has to be entered before sending a card, or the WP-reCAPTCHA Plugin, or the Math Comment Spam Protection Plugin, where a simple sum has to be calculated. You find some informations to the Captcha!-Plugin under topic 6 and to the Math Comment Spam Protection Plugin under topic 7.

This documentation relates to wp-greet version 3.2.

1. Installation and preparations:
Under „Plugins -> Add New“ search for „wp-greet“, click on „Install Now“ and activate the plugin. (Alternatively download and unzip wp-greet.zip, upload all files on your webspace into the directory /wp-content/plugins and activate the plugin wp-greet under ‚Plugins‘.)

1.a Updating from wp-greet version 1.1 or newer:
If you have already installed wp-greet version 1.1 or newer, simply delete all old files from the directory „wp-content/plugins/wp-greet“ and upload the new files, or use the automatic update function. Using either method be sure to:
– make a copy of your wp-greet.css-file and upload it after updating, if you have made any changes to it
– deactivate and reactivate the plugin once to let it execute necessary database changes

1.b Updating from a wp-greet version older than 1.1:

  • First delete the old version completely.
  • Upload the new version.
  • Deactivate and reactivate the plugin.
  • If necessary, adjust the settings in phpmailer-conf.php.
  • Delete the patched version of nggfunctions.php and copy back the original version.
  • Change all tags [gallery …] to [gallery=ID] (replacing „ID“ with the gallery’s ID), the ususal way to call a gallery within NextGenGallery. The former additional parameters are no longer necessary.
  • There must be at least one page or posting containig the tag [wp-greet].
  • Adjust wp-greet’s settings in the admin-area and check the galleries you wish to use for sending as greetingcards.

2. Settings:
After activating the plugin you find in your WordPress admin menu a new menu item wp-greet with the submenus Galleries, Security and (if activated, see below) Logging. Here you can change all settings and control the logfile.

Here you can see an overview of the possible workflows:


  • „Gallery Plugin“: the gallery plugin wp-greet will use (at the moment only NextGenGallery is possible).
  • „Form-Post/Page“: the posting or page that contains the tag [wp-greet].
  • „Mailtransfermethod“: either SMTP or PHP()mail are used to send your greetingcards. If you choose SMTP, you might have to adjust the settings in your phpmailer-conf.php, depending on your webhoster. If you choose PHP, the PHP function mail() is used. The greetingcards can only be sent inline within your mails in SMTP mode. In PHP mode the cards are sent as an attachment.
  • „Static Senderadress“: enter an E-mail adress here only if sending mails doesn’t work due to a highly secured server that you are hosted on. This adress will be used for all mails sent by wp-greet, however the reply-adress will be the entered sender’s adress.
  • „Mailreturnpath“: enter an E-mail address where undelivered cards are being sent back to.
  • „Send BCC to“: enter an E-mail address to send a copy of each sent card to (when activating this, you should inform your readers and card-senders about it).
  • „Allow more than one recipient“: allows to send a card to more than one recipient. The emailadresses in the form have to be seperated by a comma.
  • „Send image inline“: activate this when you want your graphics and pictures to be displayed within the mail and not as an attachment (only possible in SMTP mode, see above).
  • „Fetch cards online“: activate this when you don’t want the card to be sent directly to the receiver but when he should receive a notification mail with a link that leads him to a subpage of your blog where he can have a look at the card.
  • If „Fetch cards online“ is activated, indicate the number of days during which the card can be picked up under „Number of days an online card can be fetched“.
  • „Online card HTML mail text“: enter the text that the receiver will see in the notification mail when „Fetch cards online“ is activated. HTML is allowed, you can use the following placeholders:
    • %receiver% for the name of the receiver of the greetingcard
    • %sender% for the name of the sender of the greetingcard
    • %sendermail% for the emailadress of the sender of the greetingcard
    • %link% for the link the receiver has to click in the notification mail
    • %duration% for the time the link is valid
  • „Fixed image width“: enter a fixed width for your graphics and pictures, which should not be wider than the width of the content-area of your blog (but avoid uploading pictures of much larger size, as the scaling-down also reduces their quality).
  • „Add stamp image“: enter the path to a graphic file that wp-greet will use like a stamp in the upper right corner of every sent card. To use the stamp enclosed in wp-greet’s download package enter the path „wp-content/plugins/wp-greet/defaultstamp.jpg“. To use your own stamp just upload your own graphic and adjust the path. If you don’t want to use a stamp, leave the path blank.
  • „Stampwidth in % of imagewidth“: if you are using a stamp, enter its width here.
  • „Use NGG data for image“: The meta-informations from NextGenGallery for the display of the picture are applied. If no stamp is used, the description from NextGenGallery is additionally displayed under the picture in the form.
  • „Enable Smileys on greetcard form“: activate this if you want to enable smileys to be displayed and sent within your greetingcards.
  • When „Allow sending cards in the future“ is activated, a future date can be specified when the card will be sent
  • „Use informations from profile“: activate this if you want to display your own blog’s e-mail address (‚Settings -> General -> E-mail address‘) automatically as the ‚Sender‘-e-mail address in the mailform.
  • „Offer ’send again‘-link“: allows the sender to send the same card with the same content once again to another recipient without typing the text again; in this case a button appears after sending or scheduling a card that says „Send this card to another recipient“.
  • „Enable logging“: activate this if you want to store data about the sent cards in your database and view the statistics under „Logging“.
  • „Default mail subject“: enter a default mail subject here (this can be overwritten by the sender).
  • „Default mail header“ and „Default mail footer“: enter text here that will appear at the top and the bottom of each sent card.
  • „Number of days log entries are stored“: enter the number of days that you want the log entries to be saved.
  • „Number of days card entries are stored“: enter the number of days that you want the card entries to be saved.

Save your changes by clicking „Update Options“.

Check the NextGenGallery-galleries with the pictures you want to use as greetingcards.


  • „Spam protection“: choose which antispam plugin you would like to use.
  • „Minimum role to send card“: choose if either any visitor of your blog is allowed to send cards or only registered users, and which user role is necessary to send cards.
  • „Enable Terms of Usage display and check“: if you want every user to accept your terms of usage for your greetingcards before sending a card, mark this checkbox. If your theme’s footer.php contains the function wp_footer(), the terms of usage will open in a nice thickbox, otherwise they will open in a new window.
  • „Terms of usage“: If „Enable Terms of Usage display and check“ is activated, you can customize the terms of usage here. HTML is allowed.
  • „Use mail to verify sender address“: By checking this box your greetingcards will not be sent directly after the „Send“-Button is hit, but the sender will receive an email containing a link he has to click. After he has done this the card will be sent to the receiver.
  • „Verification mail text“: enter the text that the sender will see in the notification mail when „Use mail to verify sender address“ is activated. HTML is allowed, you can use the following placeholders:
    • %sender% for the name of the sender of the greetingcard
    • %sendermail% for the emailadress of the sender of the greetingcard
    • %receiver% for the name of the receiver of the greetingcard
    • %link% for the link the receiver has to click in the notification mail
    • %duration% for the time the link is valid
  • „Link valid time (hours)“ enter the number of hours the link is valid if „Verification mail text“ is activated.
  • „Confirmation mail to sender“: By checking this box the sender will receive a confirmation mail after the receiver picked up his card.
  • „Confirmation mail text“: enter the text that the sender will see in the notification mail when „Confirmation mail to sender“ is activated. HTML is allowed, you can use the following placeholders:
    • %sender% for the name of the sender of the greetingcard
    • %sendermail% for the emailadress of the sender of the greetingcard
    • %receiver% for the name of the receiver of the greetingcard
    • %link% for the link the receiver has to click in the notification mail
    • %duration% for the time the link is valid
  • „Mandatory fields“: mark the fields the sender has to fill out before sending a card.

Save your changes by clicking „Update Options“.

When „enable logging“ is activated in wp-greet setup, you can view the statistics of your sent greetingcards here. Since wp-greet version 1.3 you can choose how many items are shown on one page. At the bottom of the page you can delete the logfile by clicking „Clear log“. If you click this, there will be no further request if you really want to delete – once you click the button your data will be deleted.

3. Usage:

a. Add a new gallery for your greetingcards in the administration area of NextGen Gallery and upload your greetingcards into this gallery.

b. Write a new page with the content [wp-greet] and a link underneath to the page that contains the gallery (see topic c.), for example „<a href=“http://your-domain.com/mycards“>Click here</a> to go back to the greetingcards overview“, otherwise only a blank page will be seen after sending the card. Name this page e.g. „greet“.
Then publish this page and exclude it from the pages list. If you are using widgets this is very easy: just insert the page ID under „Exclude“ and click „Save Changes“. If you are not using widgets, edit the file sidebar.php and change <?php wp_list_pages(); ?> to <?php wp_list_pages(‚exclude=ID‘); ?> and replace „ID“ with the ID of your just published page.

c. Write another page in which your greetingcard gallery will show up. To call the gallery, insert [gallery=ID] and replace „ID“ with the ID of the page from topic a. Name this page e.g. „mycards“ and publish the page.

d. To send a greetingcard, browse to „http://your-domain.com/mycards“, replacing this link with your own URL. Choose one of your cards by clicking on it. Another page opens where the card in its original size appears, underneath are the fields for sender, recipient, subject and text. After filling out these fields you can click „Preview“ to preview your greetingcard and then either click „Back“ to go back or „Send“ to send the card.

e. You can also add greetingcards into a post instead of a page. To do so, just insert [gallery=ID] like in topic c. into your post – of course by replacing ID and URL with yours.

f. The text of your greetingcards can include smilies, if this function is enabled in the options. There are a few smilies in the directory wp-greet/smilies (these are from kolobok.us), you can easily exchange them by deleting them and/or adding new ones. To change the smilies‘ order just change the numbers of the gif-files.

4. Adjusting the design

To adjust the design of your greetingcard page edit the file wp-greet.css.

If you have a narrow theme you might adjust the width of the textarea
textarea.wp-greet-form { width: 90%; } by replacing the 90% with something smaller than this.

To add a border to your greetingcard preview add to your stylesheet something like
.wp-greet-form img { border: 1px solid #a9a9a9; padding: 4px;}

5. Very short instruction to the installation of NextGen Gallery:

Upload the unzipped directory nextgen-gallery into the directory wp-plugins on your webspace and activate the plugin. Click „Gallery“ in the menu bar and then „Options“ to adjust the settings, e.g. the path where your greetingcards will be saved, or the size of the greetingcard thumbnails.
There are further explanations and links to documentations to NextGen Gallery on the plugin’s homepage: http://alexrabe.boelinger.com/wordpress-plugins/nextgen-gallery/.

6. Short instruction to the Usage of the Captcha! Plugin:

Upload the unzipped directory „captcha“ on your webspace into wp-content/plugins and activate the plugin.
To create a captcha code you need at least one truetype font. NextGen Gallery uses truetype fonts for creating watermarks in the pictures and has an integrated folder for truetype fonts. You can use this folder for Captcha! as well and don’t have to create an extra one for Captcha!.
Under „Settings/Captcha!“ adjust the path to the font directory to: home/www/…/wp-content/plugins/nextgen-gallery/fonts/ and under „TTF Files“ adjust the names of your fonts (you can upload more than one font into the directory). If you check „Image Distortion“ it shows the captcha images in a distorted way, which is a more effective spam protection but also harder to read for humans.

After saving your settings you can deactivate the plugin. If you do so, the captcha protection only shows up on your greetingcards pages. If you do not deactivate it a captcha protection is added to your comment form, so that every commenter on your blog has to type a captcha code before sending off a comment.

7. Short instruction to the Usage of the Math Comment Spam Protection Plugin:

Upload the unzipped directory „math-comment-spam-protection“ on your webspace into wp-content/plugins and activate the plugin. Under Settings -> Math Comment Spam klick „Update Options“ once even without having changed any options, otherwise the plugin won’t work. You don’t have to change the text of the error messages here as these are fixed within wp-greet.
If you don’t want to use the plugin for your comments form as well, you have to deactivate it after updating the options.

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451 Kommentare zu „wp-greet documentation (english)“

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    1. Hallo Wally,
      grundsätzlich ist ja fast alles möglich. Ich habe vor einigen Jahren einmal für jemanden, der seine Bilder verkaufen wollte eine GoogleWallet Anbindung programmiert, insofern sollte das auch mit PayPal klappen. Wichtig wäre, wie genau der Ablauf sein soll und was Du damit machen möchtest. Schreibe mir gerne ein eMail mit den Details und dann schaue ich mir das gerne mal an.

      Viele Grüße, Hans

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  73. Es wäre ein wunderschönes Plugin, wenn es funktionieren würde. Ich kann eine Gallerie anzeigen lasssen und auch ein Bild wählen. Dabei geht die neue Seite auf mit den Eingabefeldern, aber ohne das angewählte Bild bzw. nur der Dateiname des Bildes erscheint. Die Vorschau produziert aber ein korrektes Bild zusammen mit den Eingabefeldern. Damit könnte ich leben, aber der Versand funkioniert leider auch nicht, und zwar mit keiner der beiden Versandarten. Gibt es Hoffnung?

    1. Hallo Alfred,
      es gibt immer Hoffnung. Das Plugin funktioniert auf vielen Seiten sehr gut und wird auch von einigen Firmen eingesetzt. Ich kann so von der Ferne schlecht einschätzen was auf Deiner Seite zu den Problemen führt. Kann ich mir das irgendwo anschauen? Oder kannst Du mir einen Zugang zu der Seite schicken?

      Viele Grüße, Hans

  74. Hi

    I am trying to use the plugin but having some difficulties connecting the gallery. Followed your instructions above and gallery displaying thumbnails of cards in „mycards“ page but when I click on one card, no action is taken and it does not load into form filling page.

    I had to change [gallery=1] where „1“ is the id of gallery given in „MyGreet“ –> „Galleries“ and not „39“ which is my page ID of „mycards“ for the cards to appear. I connected and linked „mycards“ from NGG „Galleries“ –> „Manage Galleries“ to „mycards“.

    Please advise.

    1. Hi,

      I am not sure I understood you right. First step is adding a page with the wp-greet shortcode, then add a gallery to a page, then select the first page as formapge in wp-greet admin dialog (please double check this and in doubt save it again), the connect gallery to wp-greet using the wp-greet gallery dialog. If you like, send me an admin acount for your page and I will have a look.

      Cheers, Hans

  75. Hi Tuxlog,

    I like it so far, easy setup but hope it works. Wondering if you can help me, I’m trying to do everything as described but I am facing the same challenges as those who have posted before me. Anyway, you can kindly explain what I am doing wrong?

    1. Create wordpress Gallery per your other article.
    2. Connect wp-greet to wordpress from dropdown menu in wp-greet setup page.
    3. use shortcode [wp-greet]

    I can see the gallery, but it looks like it has nothing to do with wp-greet form! can’t select images to be in the greeting card. I think it may have something to do with the shortcode im using or something. Even the recaptcha doesn’t work, it just says recaptcha without actually displaying the plugin (which is compatible with wp-greet)

    Please help

  76. I’m having a hard time figuring out how to install and configure this plugin properly. I think I’ve done all the steps as you listed, but it still does not seem to click from the gallery to the send page and when I send from a post page, no picture is ever sent inline (SMTP is enabled). It displays as „wp-greet card image“ instead. I am using NextGen Gallery and when I click on the image, it opens the image in a new window. I think I’ve made a total mess of things. My page is at http://ecardfoundry.com to keep in line with your instructions. Can you please advise?


    1. Hello Jeff,

      I just visited your website and it seems the gallery is not connected to wp-greet. Can you confirm that you connected the gallery via the wp-greet admin dialog under galleries?
      Second thing is if you use NGG you have to patch one file since they removed some hooks. Did you manage to change the corresponding index.php?

      Cheers, Hans

  77. Hi Team,
    I am new to wordpress , I am trying to create a web app for greeting cards. I found wp-greet plugin serves my purpose, but when i try to use it ,I am facing some issue.
    I gone through above instructions on USAGE of this plugin, but i cant understand it clearly .
    So kindly provide me some sample code or sample instruction for following
    1. adding gallery image to a page
    2.creating a page with content [wp-greet] and excluding the page [this option is not available in wordpress 4.1]. this is the ‚greet‘ page
    3.creating a page named “mycards“ which links to the gallery page with code [gallery id="47"]. the id of gallery page.

    I am using following versions.
    wordpress: 4.1
    Next gen galery Version

    Really looking for a positive reply.

    Salim S

    1. Hello salim,

      did you connect the gallery to wp-greet (wp-greet-> galleries)? And did you select the correct formpage in the wp-greet admin dialog and save it?

      Cheers, Hans

    1. Hello Mohamed,
      as far as I can see something changes the links of the thumbnail images after wp-greet modified the links. You can see this if you have a look at the html source and check the data-src attribute of the a tag. It contains the correct link for wp-greet.

      Can you describe your environment a bit mor in detail or send me an admin account to your site please.

      Cheers, Hans

  78. Hello,

    I have a little problem with this plugin.
    The card is sent correctly, but there is no image.
    When I go on the page http://mydomain.com/mycards and I click on the selected image – I just only see the image in the box… I don’t see new page and form..
    There is my log screen: http://imgur.com/Iw2zsng
    I use NextGen Gallery by Photocrati version, and WordPress 4.0
    I followed exactly the instructions in the documentation

    Thanks in advance for help! :-)

    1. There can be various reasons for this. Do you use a special lightbox plugin? Disable it for the gallery page. Check which Effects (NGG) do you use and try shutter if set to other.
      Maybe another plugin hold wp-greet back from connecting to the gallery. Maye you can send an URL so I can have a first look at it.

      1. Thanks for Your answer!

        I don’t use any special lightbox plugin. My all active plugins are:
        – Contact Form 7
        – MailPoet Newsletters
        – NextGEN Gallery by Photocrati
        – Page-list
        – Widget Data – Setting Import/Export Plugin
        – WordPress Importer
        – wp-greet
        – WP User Avatar

        In Gallery -> Other Options -> Lightbox Effects I set „Shutter“ effect.

        This is my page URL with gallery: http://nowaprawica-lubuskie.pl/kartki/
        And page URL with form: http://nowaprawica-lubuskie.pl/greet/

      2. If you would send me an admin account for your site, I can have a look at your settings. Did you connect the gallery to wp-greet (wp-greet galleries dialog)?

  79. Hallo,
    bitte um Hilfe, seit der neuen WP version geht es nicht mehr.
    Davor funktionierte alles, jetzt klickt man auf das Bild und nur das Bild geht auf.
    Was kann ich jetzt tun? Ich BRAUCHE das funktionierende Plugin wirklich sehr! siehe meine Seite.

    lg Wally

    1. Hallo Wally,
      es wäre schon hilfreich zu wissen, was genau Du eingestellt hast und wie Du das Plugin verwendest. Alternativ schick mir bitte eine admin Zugang und ich schaue es mir direkt an. Die Einstellungen gerne auch per Mail.

      Gruß, Hans

  80. Hi there, I’m installing this on my site and I think I’ve done all the steps as you list them, but it still does not seem to click from the thumbnail to a page with the card and the fields below it. I am using NextCellent Gallery and I am using the ID number and name to test (both give me the same result = opens the image in a new window).
    My pages are http://nikiowl.com/greet and http://nikiowl.com/mycards to keep in line with your instructions. This page is set correctly in the Security section. What else should I be doing?
    Vielen dank!

    1. Hello Karin,
      can you please check the setting of the form page on the wp-greet main admin dialog and just to make sure it is set correct save it again. It looks as if it is not stored correctly and set the permissions to everyone (security admin dialog) to make it possible for visitors to send a card.

      Cheers, Hans

      1. Hi Hans,
        Thank you, that worked :)
        Two questions – the watermark is showing as a stamped image, but I set it to a text overlay. Any ideas what might be happening there?
        Also, if I wanted to build several pages for different types of cards (eg. Birthday, Holidays, etc.) I would simply make a new page, add the specific gallery, and it would know to connect al the wp-greet functions?
        Thanks again!

  81. Hi I am having trouble getting the gallery to open with the form under it. I have made pages as in the docs the mycards page uses code [gallery=1] gallery number. the other page uses the [wp-greet] and the link under it. and named /greet/



  82. d. To send a greetingcard, browse to “http://your-domain.com/mycards”, replacing this link with your own URL. Choose one of your cards by clicking on it. Another page opens where the card in its original size appears, underneath are the fields for sender, recipient, subject and text. After filling out these fields you can click “Preview” to preview your greetingcard and then either click “Back” to go back or “Send” to send the card.

    I can not get it to got to the next step when clicking on gallery image, all pages have been created as in the doc.


    1. Hi Rick,

      can you please go to the wp-greet admin dialog and select the form page again and then click save. Sometimes this was the reason for not getting connected to the gallery. You can also send me a link so I can have a look at it.

      Cheers, Hans

  83. Hi ,

    In our project I have prepared finnish translation of wp-greet language file. So far I wrote both fi_FI.mo and fi_FI.po files and have put those into our server.
    But I quess I need to change wp-greet configuration files somwhere as well in order to get my finnish language set activated. Could you point me to right direction in order to find right files where this can be done? Also is there some specific syntax I need to use ther in order to get it running.
    I gladly post our finnish version to wp-greet but first I want to see how it works live in the site and maybe do some edting first before posting back to you,
    BR: Pekka Ollikainen

    1. Hello Pekka,

      you have to rename the file to wp-greet-fi_FI.mo and wp-greet-fi_FI.po and put them into the wp-greet/lang directory.
      If you blog is set to finish language the translation should be pulled in automatically.
      Looking forward to extend wp-greet with the finish translation.

      Cheers, Hans

  84. Hello,
    I made a translation into Polish language as it was suggested in the readme.txt file.
    But I don’t know how to apply it. There is no menu to choose language in my wp-greet. Will somebody, please help me.
    Best regards

      1. Hello Ilona,

        if you like to share your translation just send it to me and I will gladly add it to the next release of the plugin.

        Have Fun, Hans

  85. Hello Hans,

    all my wp content is under /ld-content/,
    so i changed the source to reflect this replacing
    wp-content with ld-content and now have smiles and almost all working. Only the image is not fetched.
    Looking forward to solve this.
    Kind Regards,


      1. Hello Hans,

        thanks for your support. I still didn’t found why wp-greet 3.2 don’t work on one of my sites. I thing that is incompatibility between Better WP Security plugin which changed a lot of settings, including wp-content default folder. I didn’t have enough time to investigate the exact reason, but once I find the problem will report you. Thanks again for your good work and support.
        Best Regards,

  86. i checked out and i thing the plugin don’t work if the wordpress content folder has other name that wp-content. will look the src code later to find why.

    best regards,


  87. Hello Hans,
    thanks again for the great plugin and support.
    I added wp-greet 3.2 to the other site, but send email page did not shows the card :/ Any suggestion please?
    i saw that the uri of the card is correct, but something wrong with showing it on the send card page.
    The other site with the same version of the plugin and almost the same config works fine:
    can you help me please to find the problem?
    thanks in advance for your comments
    best regards

    1. Hello Angel,

      I just visited the site and it strikes that a new tab or window is opened when I click on one of the images in the gallery. This is not a wp-greet „feature“. Do you have any idea where this comes from? What other plugins do you use? In the form the smilies are missing too.

      Cheers, Hans

      1. Hello Hans,
        thanks for the fast replay. The site uses open in new tab plugin, which works fine here too:
        the problem on
        i think is that the wp-content folder has other name. all the content exept the gallerys is located here. only the nextgen gallery resides on wp-content folder. this change was made with better wp security and i think the plugin is incompatible with this setting. I’ll try to uninstall the plugin and check for hard coded wp-content/plugins path. Will keep you informed with the results. Thanks!

  88. Hi,

    i ve got the plugin working… everything fine till you send the card. I do receive the confirmation mail but the card is no receiving.

    Checked junk folder ect….

    Please help…

      1. Hello Morgan,

        did you setup a gallery? Then connect the gallery to wp-greet in the wp-greet admin dialog. If you choose one of the pics you should be directed to the card form with the image.
        The message that you are not allowed to send an ecard means you have to set the permissions wright. This can be done at the wp-greet admin dialog under security. E.g. select Everybody and Save.
        Regards, Hans

  89. Hello Hans,

    thanks for the mail with spanish translation. One question more, please. The plugin converts my animated gifs to nonanimated jpg. Can I avoid this and conserve the original gif format (as is on gallery)? Any suggestion, please?

    Thanks in advance!


    1. Hello Angel,

      as far as I can see on your site you have activated the stamp feature which is not working with animated gifs. Disable the stamp (clear the stamp image input field and save it) and it should work.

      All the best, Hans

      1. Hello Hans,

        thanks for quick response. It’s OK now. As I will mantain this and other sites with greetcards I can help to beta testing for the new release. I’m a developer (c/c++, php, j2ee) and linux administrator (mainly centos, ubuntu)

        Best wishes

        Merry Christmas!


  90. Hi! I need to get in touch with you. Someone installed your plugin and if you have the Spanish version, I would appreciate it because my site is a Spanish one. I need to find a way to easily link wp greet to mailchimp. I would appreciate your contact asap. Thanks!!!!

      1. Hi Hans,

        may I have the spanish translation for the plugin, too. Hope it will be packed in the next version. Thanks!

      2. Hello Angel,

        I just sent it out to you and it is in the next release which is currently in beta state and is tested by some of the wp-greet users.

        Regards, Hans

      1. Hi Hans all is working well now – I created a conflict by using a post and then not deleting it.

        One little thing though – it would be good on the mandatory fields to change it slightly so that it says Sender’s name Sender’s email Recipient’s name Recipients e-mail

        I can’t see how to do it myself but it would make it a lot clearer to those using it to send cards – otherwise it’s a great system (once you’ve got the techy bits sorted!)


      2. Hi Hans – can you tell me how I can change the input fields – so it says sender’s name, senders email etc.. people are getting confused when trying to fill it in…

      3. ok – now I am going to sound like an idiot – how do I get to that? I can see that under WP Greet I can get to WP Greet itself, Galleries, Security and Logging but I cannot see a link to forms. Sorry Hans, I am a novice still at WP and so some things that are probably obvious to more experienced people confuse me.

        All the best


      4. Damn, spoke too soon, I have gone to the page and put in :

        $_POST[‚action‘] = „Formular“;
        echo „“ . __(„Please fill in mandatory field“,“wp-greet“).“ „. __(„Sendername“,“wp-greet“).““;
        if (substr($wpg_options[‚wp-greet-fields‘],1,1)==“1″ and trim($_POST[’sender‘])==““)
        $_POST[‚action‘] = „Formular“;
        echo „“ . __(„Please fill in mandatory field“,“wp-greet“).“ „. __(„SenderEmail“,“wp-greet“).““;
        else if ( ! check_email($_POST[’sender‘]) ) {
        $_POST[‚action‘] = „Formular“;
        echo „“ . __(„Invalid sender mail address.“,“wp-greet“).““;
        if (substr($wpg_options[‚wp-greet-fields‘],2,1)==“1″ and trim($_POST[‚recvname‘])==““)
        $_POST[‚action‘] = „Formular“;
        echo „“ . __(„Please fill in mandatory field“,“wp-greet“).“ „. __(„Recipientname“,“wp-greet“).““;
        if (substr($wpg_options[‚wp-greet-fields‘],3,1)==“1″ and trim($_POST[‚recv‘])==““)
        $_POST[‚action‘] = „Formular“;
        echo „“ . __(„Please fill in mandatory field“,“wp-greet“).“ „. __(„RecipientEmail“,“wp-greet“).““;
        but it does not seem to be working at the front end. Have I changed the wrong bit of code? I have checked the rest of the data and can see nothing which looks like it would do this….

    1. and again… I managed to work it out. Sorry it’s because it’s quite alien to me. I would suggest you change the code so that it says what I suggest because it is just too confusing for an English audience otherwise.

  91. Hello, First congrutalations for your plugin.
    I made the spanish translation and the files es_Es and it works.
    I would like to erase o descativated some fields in the form but I don’t know how:
    – CC to Sender
    – Recipientname (Nombre Destinatario:)


    I can’t get the recipient and the rectangle field aligned (Em@il destinatario*:), may be separating fields with blank td?

    Thanks. Best Regards. Pascal.

    1. Hello Pascal,

      great you like my plugin. If you like send me the spanish translation and I will add it to the next release of wp-greet and of course I will mention your name. To remove CC field just comment out line 571 of wpg-form.php and for recipientname line 572.
      Should work.

      After that you can change the layout in wp-greet.css.

      Dont hesitate to contact me again, if you do not succeed.

      Regards, Hans

  92. Just thought Il’d let you know about this little trick. In order to avoid the redirect page as described in (b) above from showing up in menus, you need to declare it as „Private“. Our page is called „Thank you!“
    However, when people send a card, they do indeed get redirected to the „Thank You!“ page with the redirect link in it, and the page title shows as „Private Thank You!“ which looks pretty strange.
    In order to get rid of the word „Private“, you need to edit the function.ph in your theme folders.
    You simply add the following function

    function remove_private_prefix($title) {
    $title = str_replace(
    return $title;

    Works an absolute treat!

  93. Apologies for not speaking German.
    We are trying to install this plugin in WP v3.2.4. We have the gallery in place, and created the pages as directed. We don’t seem to have the option to „exclude“ the page from the pages list, but can declare it to be „private“ (which we have done)so it doesn’t show in the menu.
    All the elements are in place, but not linking. When we click on a gallery picture, it gives a 403 message (Forbidden, you don’t have permission to access this/xxxx/xxxxx/ on this server (the page you say we should exclude) If I declare this page to be public again, it still gives me the „Forbidden“ error, so I assume it has done something to a php file somewhere.
    We are a charity, and would really like to use this as a means to raise some badly needed funds. I am very willing to give you access to the admin, eihter direct or via „teamviewer“ if you think that will help.

    Can you help?

      1. Hi Hans,

        I take it you are talking about the Minimum role to send a card field? We selected everybody, there is no point if people can’t use it, is there? Is that that not the meaning of this entry?

  94. Hi Hans,

    I’ve got a problem: I’m trying to set up wp-greet and everything is in English (as should be) except for the sample texts, and it won’t let me delete or change them. Could you explain to me where/how I can get the English sample texts or alternatively where/how I can put an English text in myself?

    Thanks in advance.

    1. Hello Sophia,

      well, unfortunately I am not able to translate the texts, because I have no idea about other than german law conerning ecards. But you should be able to change the texts. Each textarea can be edited when you activate the corresponding feature using the checkboxes above. Can you try this please.

      Regards, Hans

      1. Hallo Hans,

        Als Erstes: Danke für den Tip! Es funktioniert jetzt!

        Bezüglich der Übersetzung: Well, drat! Ich wusste nicht, dass es dafür ein Gesetz gibt. Da ich Deutsche bin und in Deutschland lebe, und meine Homepage bei T-Online habe, sollte ich mich dann wohl an das deutsche Gesetz halten (so wie auch beim Impressum – unglücklicherweise), selbst wenn es eine .com domain ist und ich nur auf Englisch schreibe. Ich müsste also zusehen, dass ich die Texte so übersetze dass sie Deiner deutschen Version möglichst nahe kommen. Mist! Ich hasse übersetzen – insbesondere wenn es akkurat sein muss. Kennst Du zufällig einen Deutschen, der Dein wp-greet benutzt und die Texte bereits ins Englische übersetzt hat?

        Viele Grüße,

  95. Hi,

    First i want to congratulate you on the wp-greet plugin, which i enjoy a lot. Got everything setup and it’s sending out the cards (and i got multiple galleries and pages and no issue)…but,

    1. The emails that go outr, don’t have the wildcards replaced. So, instead of the name of the sender i just get %sender% and so on.

    2. Now i don’t know if this second one is because of the above, but confirmation mail isn’t coming as well.

    I’ve tried both PHP mail and SMPT.

    I have wp-greet (3.1) running WordPress 3.4.2, NextGen Gallery Version 1.9.6.

    Have any idea how i can resolve this?

    1. If this helps in any way, if i use the ‚fetch online‘ option, the email comes along normal.

      Note: this issue happens when i hit preview as well (no matter what sending option is ticked).

    2. Hi George,

      can you tell me which mails are containing the wildcards? There are four different mail types.
      Mail to sender to confirm that the card can be send
      Mail to receiver that the card can be fetched
      Mail to the sender that the card was fetched (is this the one which isn’t send with your configuration?)
      and please send me a screenshot of the mailtext you use with the wildcards in it.
      Regards, Hans

  96. Like Alan, I am trying to use the current version of wp-greet (3.1) running WordPress 3.4.2, NextGen Gallery Version 1.9.6. and am also having problems.

    The page for my ecards is at http://vghandubchospitalfoundation.ca/wordpress/mycards/

    The page with the call to wp-greet is at http://vghandubchospitalfoundation.ca/wordpress/greet/

    I have turned off the „open imake links in lightbox“ option in my theme so I’m thinking that isnt the problem.

    Also in my nextGen gallery I have tried making the mycards gallery active and that has made no effect on the situation.

    When I fill out the form on the /greet/ page nothing happens. I do not recieve and email.

    When I click on an image it still opens in a light box and I can not select it.

    Looking forward to hearing from you as the ecard functionality for this site is a must.


    1. Hello Senka,

      the Problem with Alan’s website was that he did change some nextgen gallery template that overrides the wp-greet link.
      But now to your site. I have just visited it and if I click on the image I am coming straight to the wp-greet form. This seems to work.
      Then I entered some data into the form and click preview which leads me to the preview. This seems to work too.
      Clicking send I got the message card sent. Look good. Now waiting for the card…..
      meanwhile: which mailing method do you use? PHP Mail or SMTP Mail? If you use SMTP Mail, did you fill in the access data into phpmailer-conf.php? and did you remove the slashes in front of the lines with user and pass in it?
      okay, seems the mails are not send, so please check your mail settings. If in doubt try php mail first which is the simple way. Switching to smtp mail please check the faq of your provider concerning smtp access.

      Regards, Hans

  97. I am trying to use the current version of wp-greet (3.1) running WordPress 3.4.2, NextGen Gallery Version 1.9.6. I am using the Photocrati theme v. 4.1 but am not using any Photocrati options on the page(s) where I am having problems. The gallery I am attempting to use is an NGG gallery.

    The page for my ecards is at http://brianextonart.net/ecards-2/ The page with the call to wp-greet is at http://brianextonart.net/greet/

    I followed the instructions on this page precisely, but when I fly over the images on the Ecards page, the link that shows is back to that page. Clicking on any of them just refreshes the page. When I go to the /greet/ page, the form I would expect to find on the Ecards page is there.

    I hope you will tell me I am overlooking one very simple step, because you seem to have the only decent ecard plugin for WordPress, and my client really wants to have this option on his site. Thank you.

    1. Well Alan, I looked at your page and I think you should check if you are using lightbox, which disables wp-greet or if you have not linked wp-greet to the gallery on the gallery page of wp-greet.

      Regards, Hans

      1. Emailed you about this in more detail also, but yes the gallery is selected and no I am not using Lightbox, although Photocrati has its own built in light box functions.

  98. Pingback: fleet week

  99. How can I make all the text, even the to and from addresses on the ecard to align left?

    I have changed the css from center to left in all classes but it doesn’t change anything.

    1. hello Nikki,

      having a look at your site it strikes that in line 1028 of your style.css (it is in the theme folder platformpro) there is a css rule „text-align:center“ which overrides the wp-greet form rule. if your remove this it works.. another approach is to assign „text-align:left“ to the class wp-greet-form-lef in wp-greet-default.css in the wp-greet folder.

      Hope it helps, Hans

  100. Pingback: wp-greet – send greeting cards from your WordPress Blog « tuxlogger – WordPress and more…

  101. I would like to setup to separate greeting cards pages with different gallerie, but it seems I cannot do that, because in the wp-greet settings I can only choose one gallery — the other only shows as NGGallery, but if clicked does not take me to the greeting card widget.

    is there a way I can do that?

    Thank you!


    1. Hello Adriana,

      works, like a charme here. Just create some pages showing the galleries. Then go to backend/wp-greet/galleries, check the three checkboxes press „save“. Which version of ngg and wp-reet do you use? Here 1.9.3 and 2.9. Do you use any additional NGG-Plugins?

      Regards, Hans

  102. Pingback: Windows 8

  103. Pingback: Windows 8

  104. Everything else works GREAT! Wonderful plugin. My challenge is double e-mails – all else works correctly. No matter what I try, it sends out doubles. It logs the doubles every time. Help? Using WordPress 3.3.1, WP-Greet 2.7 and NextGEN Gallery 1.9.1 – it was the first time that I installed wp-greet, so there were no previous installs. I’ve activated and deactivated, changed pages, posts to standard pages – no dice – still sends doubles. Have tried 20 other themes – same thing – double-e-mails.

    Everything with the e-mail is correct – just doubled. Thanks in advance!

    1. hello William,

      I am working on this it is caused by other plugins using the wp_redirect function. can you send me a list of your plugins?
      I hope I can fix it during the next days.

      thanks, hans

    2. William A. Turner

      Hans: THANK YOU for looking – it has me about bananas! Which do you want – all plugins? or Just the ones for the CrossWords networked site?

      For CrossWords – only three – FileBrowser (v0.5.5), NextGEN Gallery (v1.9.1) and wp-greet (v2.7)
      Network Activated – only 2 – Options Framework (v0.9) and WPTouch (v1.9.35)

      I’ve got 79 loaded total – but those are only activated in the sites that use them. Don’t want to unload them on you if you don’t need them… Never thought about it being WPTouch or the Framework tool… William

    3. William A. Turner

      Hans – have we any progress on the redirect challenge? Any way I can help? Haven’t done any more investigation with it. Thanks for the consideration. William

  105. Hi Hans,

    First my complements for the plugin. It’s just what I was looking for.

    I have a question. I would like to have the e-cards appear on the first page in the style of the wp-greet-form instead of thumbnails. I just can’t figure out where to change this? Which file is used to display the gallery? I’m just an html nono. Could you point me in the right direction? TIA


    1. Ok, fixed that one my self. I changed the next gallery settings because it’s a next gallery display. Sorry about that.

      Have one issue left, I want to adjust the language file. Is there a guideline how to do this?

      By the way, it takes a very long time before the greeting card is received. What could cause this? Webhoster?

      kind regards

      1. hello Ilse,

        great you found out most of it yourself. If it comes to delays with the mail transport it is probably as you guessed, the mail server uses the time. wp-greet itself has sent the emails when the page is displayed.

        regards, hans

    2. Hello Hans,
      I have one question left, and can’t figure out this one. When the card is send to my gmail-account it doesn’t arive. When I send it to my own domain account it works fine. Do you have any idea what could cause this and is there someting I can do to solve it?
      greetz, Ilse

      1. Hello Ilse,

        it works for gmail account in my test environment too. What method do you use for sending mails? PHP-Mail or SMTP-Mail? Can you try using the other method.

        Regards, hans

    3. Hi Ilse, I just tested it with my gmail-account and it works fine. Did you check your spam, perhaps it is in there?
      Greets, Barbara

      Edit: I just saw that it doesn’t work from your page. So we will have to wait if Hans has an idea.

    4. Hello Hans, I use the smtp send method. I will try php. I’n not formillure with both, could you describe me in a few words what the difference is?
      kind regards, Ilse

    5. Ok tried the php mail function. When the box for karten online abholen is unchecked, the cc arrives on my own account, but the gmail-account doesn’t receive anything.

      When the karten online abholen box checkbox is check, neither one of them receives.

      If in the coming hours something does arive I wil send an update here.


      1. Well, in this case I would recommend to check if wordpress sends mails to your gmail account, if you receive a new comment. maybe it is a problem with your provider or your provider gives some security guidleines concenrning gmail adresses. please try to enter the email adress you use with your provider a the static sender adress (statische absenderadresse) which wil be used a the sender address for everey mail wp-greet sends. some providers limit mail transport to this.

        but you asked for the differenct of php and smtp mail transport. php mail uses the builtin function mail from php which should work in nearly every case, smtp mail uses the smtp functions wordpress comes with, which means the mail is send directly to your mailserver. smtp mail is much mor flexible and allows using inline images within mails.

        regards, hans

    6. I changed the adress to a gmail account and indeed, mails do not arrive. Search google for wordpress and gmail and omg, have some reading to do. I will post a solution when found. Can take a while i think.

      best regards,

    7. Hello Hans,

      Is it ok to come and ask for your expertise once more? The problem with sending email to a gmail account was that it wasn’t send with smtp authentication. I used the plugin wp mail smtp to configure the settings and now use the smtp-server from my webhoster. this works just fine. Whene i send mail frop wordpress to my gmail account is arrives.

      the only problem left is that the wp-greet mail doesn’t goes well. I use method smtp but i think perhaps uses another source file than the one mentioned above. Could this be true and if so, do you have a suggestion how to solve this? TIA.

      best regards,

      1. well, just an idea…did you configure your smtp user and password in phpmailer-conf.php in the wp-greet directory? and did you remove the double slashes in front of the user ans pass lines?

        just a thought

    8. Ok, adjusted the config file but didn’t work. Restored the file, still doesn’t work, so I think something is off. Perhaps since I installed the plugin for smtp authentication. When I try to send a card it keeps coming back with the form. Also doesn’t log. I don’t know where to look for. First what comes to mind is testing in debug mode, is that possible? Thanks again for all your support! Really wonderful.
      Best regards, Ilse

      1. hi Ilse,

        I just visited your greet card page and it seems something has changed. I can not see the picture anymore and I found wp-email in your plugins list. As far as I know wp-email uses smtp authentication too. does it work? does wp-greet work when wp-email is off. what plugins did you add or change during th elast days, which makes the images do not show anymore?

        And by the way there is a problem with simple facebook connect which overrules wp-greet somehow.

        reagrds, hans

    9. Hi Hans,
      Wp-mail works like a charm. When deactivated it doesn’t help
      Removed simple facebook connect, still no change

      last e-card has been sent on january 16. Since then I have installed the following plugins:

      And updated the following plugins:
      twitter goodies


  106. Hello thanks for the plugin. I am trying to use the amazon simple email service with my site to send out greetings and was looking at the WP SES plugin which works with the word press default mail settings but i don’t think it will work with your plugin as you are providing 2 separate options for email, SMTP and PHP mailer ..
    Is there any chance of having a third option for the amazon SES service? or making the plugin work with the wordpress mailer so something like WP SES could be used?

    Thanks. .

    1. hello steve,

      at the moment there is no support for amazon ses or wp mail within wp-greet. I think I will not connect wp-greet directly to wp ses but it is worth to check if it is possible to connect wp-greet to wordpress standard mail class. I will check this and add this feature to the todo list.

      thanks, hans

    2. Thanks for the reply.. is it possible to push this to the top of the todo list? I am willing to make a donation or pay for this feature as i really need it ..

      Thanks for the consideration ..

    1. hello Darren,

      did you update from an earlier version of wp-greet or is it a fresh install? can you send me some screenshots of your setup? which version of wordpress do you use?
      what says the wp-greet log? some more details would be great to track the problem.

      thanks in advance, hans

  107. Hello,

    Nice plugin, but I’m getting an error message when I set the greeting card to be fetched online. It comes into the mailbox and has a link to click on to go to the site to look at the ecard. When you click on the link it says the code is invalid and that’s it. Any ideas would be appreciated? I changed the settings so the image would show up in the email and that works fine, but I would like people to have to go to the website to see the card. Thanks

    1. hello Bill K,

      did you update from an earlier version of wp-greet or is it a fresh install? can you send me some screenshots of your setup? which version of wordpress do you use?
      what says the wp-greet log? some more details would be great to track the problem.

      thanks in advance, hans

  108. Hello,

    First I want to thank you and say how great this plugin is. I have a question about the confirmation email that sender gets when the receiver retrieves the card. Is there a way to have the confirmation email only send the very first time that the card is retrieved? The way it works now each time the card is viewed the confirmation email is sent to sender. I would like to make it so that only happens once.

    Thank you…


    1. hello Rich,

      at the moment it is not possible to only send this email once. but I have added it to my todo list, should’nt be too hard to add this feature.

      thanks for your request. regards, hans

  109. Hi Hans,

    Thanks for the quick response I use WordPress 3.2.1. and I do receive e-mails from wordpress when I have a new user, or somebody would like to change pass, when I have a comment and etc.

    I really don’t know how to send you a print screen as a comment so I would need advise on that as well :unsure:

    Thanks again,


    1. Hi Hans,

      I send you the information that appears on the settings screen, it is not I do not know how to make a print screen, but how to put it as a comment :-)

      Hopefully this is the information needed. Thanks againt for your help! Tani

      Gallery-Plugin: Nextgen Gallery
      Form-Post/Page: Поздрав
      Mailtransfermethod: PHP mail() function
      Send Bcc to:
      + Allow more than one recipient
      Send image inline
      Fetch cards online
      Number of days an online card can be fetched: 0
      Online card HTML mail text:

      Fixed image width: 400
      Add stamp image: wp-content/plugins/wp-greet/defaultstamp.jpg
      Stampwidth in % of imagewidth: 15
      + Use NGG data for image
      + Enable Smileys on greetcard form
      + Allow sending cards in the future
      Use informations from profile
      + enable logging
      Default mail subject:
      Default mail header:
      Default mail footer:
      Number of days log entries are stored: 0
      Number of days card entries are stored: 0

  110. Hi Hans and Barbara,

    I really like your plugin, I have some difficulties though. I have already installed the plugin and everything looks fine, but when sending an e-card nothing happens. No one receives anything. I even put an email for undelivery note, but I don’t receive such either. In the statistic I can see all the attempts I have made to send the card but the cards still haven’t been received.

    Could you please advise me on the problem.

    Thank you so much.


    1. hello Tani,

      let’s see if we find the problem. can you send me a screenshot of your setup of wp-greet? which version of wordpress do you use? do you receive emails from wordpress? e.g. when a new comment arrives.

      regards, hans

  111. Hi there thanx for such a great plugin, I am getting the problem with this plugin, i am using nextgen gallery and wp greet, but unable to send the greetings, when clicked on send then goes to error page not found,
    but after changing the theme of my site, it works properly, but i don’t want to change the theme and also want to use this plugin, i had make a page name – greet to send the greetings, and changed theme for that particular page, but its not working plugin is getting the default theme, is there any way to solve this problem, or using a particular theme with this plugin, Please helm me as Possible As….

    1. hello Sarang,

      as far as I understood it works with one theme and it doesn’t work with another theme. which version of wordpress do you use? can you give me the names of the two themes please?

      cheers, hans

  112. Hi,
    I just installed the plugin and after some struggling it almost works. The problem is just that when you click on a image nothing happens, but if you rightclick to open a link in a new tab or page everything works fine. Any idea?

    1. hi Barboni,

      I checked your site and as far as I can judge it seems allwright. I have one guess, what effect have you set within nextgengallery? Is it lighbox? If yes, change it to thickbox or some other effect. There is a incompatibility with lightbox which I could’nt resolve because light box overrules wp-greet.

      regards, hans

  113. Hi,
    I am trying to send postcards with this plugin and although I can see the system properly, none of the buttons under the form works (Preview, Send, Reset).
    Could you please help me?

  114. Hi again Hans,
    I GOT IT! It was a stupid mistake on my part. I was editing the time in the security tab and had the days set to 0 in the main WP-Greet admin panel—somehow I didn’t see that setting. Works like a charm! Thanks so much for getting back to me and for creating this app. There is still a huge delay of 15 minutes between receiving the email confirmation and the receiving the email, but I can tell users to expect that, unless you know why that might be. And yes, the NNG does give you caption on mouseover, but it would be great if the caption could appear under the thumbnails without mousing over–just a suggestion for improvement. I don’t suppose 3D cards or flash cards are a possibility in the future? Anyway, great job and thanks again for being so responsive!

  115. I tried setting it to 0 for time but I still get the same error: Your greetcard link is timed out.

    When I receive the email (before I click on the link for the email), I get the message:The card is waiting for you for the next %day% duration for collection. I notice above in your article that you use the variable %duration% for the time the link is valid. But in the WP-Greet application, the code is listed as %day%. Maybe that is part of the issue? Also, it still takes about 15 minutes for the confirmation code to reach my email. Is that normal?

  116. Hi Hans, thanks for getting back about the comments on ngg. I would suggest that a small caption go underneath each image, such as „congratulations“ or „feel better“ so they reader knows what category the image is in. I just sent you another message….I tried to implement this, but I’m having trouble on the final steps…long delays to reach sender email for confirmation, and (even more troubling) is that recipients can’t view the ecards because it keeps saying link timed out. I set the link hours to 96 and tried viewing the card in my recipient email after 30 minutes, but so far that’s all I get.

    If I can clear these last two issues up (especially the link timed out so I can actually view an ecard sent to me), then I think this could be a great little program.

    1. hello Jeff,

      the thumb images are produced by ngg and you can add a caption using the normal admin screen from ngg it is shown when you move over with the mouse. wp-greet does not display the images this is done by ngg. i have tested the problem with the link hours and it seems to work here. can you please test setting it to 0. this maeans the link will never expire. does this work?

      regards, hans

  117. I have experimented with this tool now and it almost works except that it takes about 15 minutes for the confirmation email to reach my sender email. And then when I try to view to email/ecard in my recipient email, I get a „link timed out“ error every time. Are there settings for this? I set the hours to 96 hours and still it says link timed out when recipient tries to view ecard.

    1. hello Jeff,

      at the moment this is not supported by wp-greet but I think ngg shows the caption you enter with the image. where should the caption be displayed? as text below the image, across the image or when move the mouse over the image?

      regards, hans

  118. hi Hans,

    any idea what i am doing wrong? when clicking on email notification link only the text shows up no picture. thank you for the awesome plugin.

    regards betty

    1. hello Betty,

      I just visited your site and it seems the gallery is not activated for wp-greet. you can do this on the wp-greet admin dialog. to analyze your question concerning the notification link it would be good to have the produced html. is the img contained but points to the wrong place or is it missing?

      regards, hans

  119. Hallo,
    ich arbeite gerade an meiner Website und würde gerne dieses Plugin benutzen. Ich habe alles installiert wie es sein soll, aber …
    Wenn ich die Seite E-Cards aufrufe und sofort auf ein Bild klicke dann komme ich zu der nächsten Seite, wo ich die Message eingeben kann.
    Warte ich jedoch bis meine E-Cards-Seite vollständig geladen ist und klicke dann auf ein Bild, um eine Message zu senden, komme ich nicht zu der Seite mit dem Formular. Das Bild versucht sich dann immer zu laden (also auf schwarzem Hintergrund). Ich habe es mit Lightbox 2 ausprobiert, dann mit Thickbox, dann mit Lightbox plus, wie es jemand hier erwähnte.
    Ich habe die neueste Version von WordPress, verträgt es sich damit nicht? Oder mit meinem Theme vielleicht?
    Wäre für Hilfe dankbar.
    http://dorisjoa.de/deutsch bzw. http://dorisjoa.de/deutsch/e-cards/
    Vielen Dank im voraus.

  120. Is there any way to change the sender email address from the website-email to the real email address of the postcard sender? Because now if someone get a card and he reply the mail, the email will go to the postcardsender website not to the person, ho sent the card to him.

    1. hello Csaszee,

      you can set a static mailreturn-path at the settings dialog. you can not set this dynamically due to european law. but you can insert the sender email into the generated mails or html templates using %sendermail%. you can see the available variables when rolling over the question marks at the admin dialog of wp-greet.

      regards, hans

  121. I can not figure out how to get the English translation of the WP-Greet plugin. I do not see any „options“ page. Please help –
    Thank you,


    1. hello Jon,

      wp-greet uses the language of you blog. say you have en_US as your blog language wp-greet will use english too. if there is no translation to your language english will be used. if you want to get english anyway just remove all files in wp-greet/lang. then there is nothing wp-greet can use, than english :-)

  122. Hi Hans,

    I like the ease of use of your plug in but I’m having one little problem. When I send a card, the recipient gets this message in the email:

    „The card will be available for you for the next 0 days.“ Then when I click the link to the card, the page says „Your greetcard link is timed out.
    Send a new card at http://seormc.org„.

    And no matter what I change the number of days to in the wp-greet set up page for „Number of days card entries are stored“.

    Thanks for any input you have!

  123. Hello Hans,
    I am using Fetch cards online. Receivers should receive a notification mail with a link that leads them to a subpage of my website to look at the card, but when they receive, they could not understand the message what it means because It’s not showing Vietnamese language. If I send image inline, the message is displayed within the mail is correctly. Where can I add utf-8 on WP greet? Thank you for your help

    1. hello Diana,

      I just sent me an ecard from your site and the email is in utf-8. I sent you an email with a screenshot of how the email looks like so you can verify it is okay. as I said wp-greet uses utf-8 which you can see in the mail source in the line Content-type.

      regards, hans

    1. hello Diana,

      it seems you have set a fixed width of 400 in the wp-greet admin dialog. change this to e.g. 600 and the pics will be shown bigger.
      I am not sure I got your second question. the mails should contain utf-8 therefore it should be no problem to read the special chars from vietnam.
      but I have never tested it even don’t know how. or do you want to translate wp-greet to vietnamese?

      regards, hans

  124. Hello,
    I just download your plugin, but it didn’t work. I sent one image to my self and I was using firefox. It said“

    Warning: fsockopen() [function.fsockopen]: unable to connect to localhost:25 (Permission denied) in /hermes/bosweb/web224/b2244/ipg.swapvncom/cards/wp-includes/class-smtp.php on line 122

    A confirmation mail has been sent to your address.
    Please enter the link contained within the email into your browser and the greeting card will be send.“

    Then I was opening in internet explorer. It said“
    You are not permitted to send greeting cards.
    Please contact you wordpress Administrator“

    What all of those mean.? What I have to do to fix the problem? Thank you for your help

    1. hello Diana,

      he first thing is a security matter. your provider does not allow to send smtp mails. did you check smtp and php mail? does the warning show with both methods? and did you enter your user and password into phpmailer-conf.php and removed the // ? the second error should go away if you set minimum user level to send cards to everyone. in this case everyone who visits your site can send cards.

      regards, hans

  125. Hi Hans!

    I tried what you said, but for some reason the translation did not work.
    Instead of the code I posted before I pasted this:

    load_plugin_textdomain(‚wp-greet‘, false, dirname( plugin_basename(__FILE__) ) );

    and renamed the .mo file to wp-greet-nl_NL.mo and placed that .mo file in the main directory of the wp-greet plugin.

    Now it works.

    I will send you the nl_NL files afte I’m satisfied with the translation ;) Because I noticed that it can still be improved!

    Thank you anyway for your help and for providing this great plugin!

  126. Hi Hans,

    I don’t know what I’m doing wrong – but I can’t get it to work. I changed en_US to nl_NL in several files. Here e.g. in wp-greet.php

    // get translation
    $locale = get_locale();
    if ( empty($locale) )
    $locale = ’nl_NL‘;
    load_textdomain(„wp-greet“,ABSPATH . „wp-content/plugins/wp-greet/lang/“.$locale.“.mo“);

    I also deactivated – changed the code and reactivated the plugin, but with no help. The WPLang is set to nl_NL as well. The plugin WP-greet however is still showing everything in English.

    I will send you the file if it turns out to be working well :)

    1. hello Suzanne,

      just replace $locale = get_locale(); with $locale = ‘nl_NL’; that should do the trick. I am not sure why your native setting is not found. did you change the directory where your plugins reside? unfortunately this is not detected automatically at the moment.

      regards hans

  127. @198, Tom,

    Perhaps your post stamp image is too big. You should also check the link to the image. I copied and pasted the link to the image as shown in a browser and then cut http://mydomain.com/ from it, but it caused that part of the link disappeared. So check the ending of the link of that is still intact.

    I’m having problems with the translation tools. I used wp-greet.pot for translation with Poedit and saved that filed. Poedit gave a fatal error around line 181. I checked and saw that #, php-format was written there. I deleted that line and Poedit saved it fine then.
    I uploaded the two files in the lang folder on the server and changed all en_US which I could find in the plugin files into nl_NL, but it is not working. Am I overlooking something?

    1. hello Suzanne,

      thanks for your hint about the .pot file. my poedit seems to stand it, but I will change it for the future. wp-greet uses the language of your blog and returned by get_locale(); by default. if you want to change the language independent of your blog language you have to change $locale=get_locale(); to $locale=“nl_NL“ in the various places. thats all.

      it would be great to have your translation to add it to the next release. if you like, send it to me. :-)

      regards, hans

  128. Hi Hans,
    I did the update, now it doesn’t open the image or stamp on the „Form-Post/Page“.
    I am also using the latest Next Gen Gallery with it.

    Any solutions?

    Kind regards,

  129. I’ve found a compatibility problem between wp-greet plugin and lightbox 2 plugin.

    If you use lightbox 2, remember to de-select the „let the plugin add necessary html to image links“ option, otherwise wp-greet won’t work. :good:

  130. Great Hans,
    I have followed your guidens and copied the file to se_SE.po, translated all the inlines beginning with msgstr… and now for the easy part :wacko: am I able to attache the translated file to you in this form… or will I find you email adress on this site :scratch: . I’m happy to send the translation to you – when will you release the new version?

    About the „exclude page“ I solved with the plugin :good:


  131. Hello Hans,

    I have just downloaded your plugin, which seems great, but unfortunately I cannot use it at all. When I click on an image, nothing happens (no pop-up, no message, nothing). Is it because I’m using NextGen version 1.6.2 and WordPress 3.0.1.?
    If so, is there a way that I make this work? I would very much appreciate if you could help me with this.
    Many thanks in advance
    Kind regards,

    1. hello Ada,

      the plugin works here with exactly the same versions of wp and ngg. maybe you can give some more details and the url of your site, so I can start to analyze your situation?

      regards, hans

  132. Hi,

    I have just added wp-greet to my website and I quite new also to WordPress – I have to issues I need to solve:

    1. Translation of the text in the form:
    As you descrie, I have taken the file wp-greet.pot (in the wp-greet main directory) copy it to .po and edit it to add your translations (e.g. with poedit) – but what to di next, the form still show in english???

    2. How do I exclude my „greet“ page – from the page list (I’m not using widgets).

    Hope you can help asap!!!


    1. hi Helene and greetings to Sweden,

      I will try to describe the standard translation process which works with all plugins using gettext in a few short terms: first copy wp-greet.pot to se_SE.po (where se_SE should be your language code), edit se_SE.po and insert your translation into the lines beginning with msgstr into the quotes, convert the se_SE.po into a se_SE.mo, this is done by poedit automatically but there a various tools out there for every operating system. make sure the se_SE.mo file is in the wp-greet/lang directory…..or alternatively after you translated the se_SE.po file send it to me. I would be glad to convert swedish translation for you and add it to the next wp-greet release.

      to exclude a page google for „wordpress exclude pages“ there a plugins which can do this and different manuals describing the paramters of wp_list_pages in detail

      regards, hans

  133. Hi Hans,

    Just curious…is there any way to get the ecard description from the nextgen gallery and make it the title of the ecard’s corresponding send page? Is there some function for this?

    The problem I keep having is that when sharing an ecard on Facebook or Twitter, the title of the post is not the ecard description, it’s just the default title of the send page. I want the ecard’s description to show up as the page title.

    If you go to this page and share on Facebook or Twitter, you’ll see what I mean:

    Do you see what I mean?

    Thanks for any possible solution!

  134. Hi Hans,

    Quick question. Everything is working great, except for some reason the „CC to sender“ isn’t working. Curious if you have any ideas why it may not be working, or things I could check?

    Thanks in advance for any suggestions!

    1. hello xiabolai,

      you are a bit right. ;-)
      if you use wp-greet sending links to a postcard instead sending the postcard, then cc does not work. I fixed this now and it will be contained in the next release. thank you for this hint.

      regards, hans

  135. Dear Webmaster,

    Thank you so much for this plugin. :good: I love it! I need your help on two items. :yahoo:

    1. After clicking on the link to pickup the card, I receive this message: „Your verification code is invalid.“

    2. I need help to change the text for the greeting card form. I have read through all the comments and saw that you recommend creating a .po and .mo file. However, I do not know how to create .po and .mo file.

    Can you help me? This is how I’d like to change the text:

    a) Mandatory inputfields are marked with a*
    change to: Required fields are marked with *

    b) Sendername:
    change to: Your Name

    c) Sender*:
    change to: Your Email*

    d) Recipientname:
    change to: Your Recipient’s Name:

    e) Recipient:
    change to: Your Recipient’s Email Address*

    f) Subject:
    change to Subject

    g) Message:
    change to Message

    h) Smileys:
    change to Smileys

    Thank you. My test greeting card page is at http://wp.raisonconsulting.com/?page_id=3063

    1. hello Hillary,
      since you are using english as your language you can change the phrases in the sourcecode too. have a look at wpg-form.php and you will find the phrases and can change them. the problem with the verification is new to me. can you send me your wp-greet settings, your timezone and wordpress version please. I want to take a closer look at this.

      regards, hans

    1. hello ashief,
      which version of wordpress, wp-greet and nextgen-gallery do you use? do you use lightbox or other ngg extensions? can you please give your site url too.

      thanks, hans

  136. :yahoo: both en_US and nl_NL work flawless now :yahoo:

    I also found the initital error. You really have to follow the steps, if you create the page before set-up, you have a problem and causes that specific error i had. All solved now.

    Works like a charm, thanks for a great plug-in

  137. ah i see, you mean the translations, but i mean the default english naming of the fields like

    Sendername: which i want to change into > Your name
    Sender: which i want to change into > Your email

    You cannot change the default left (english) collum in Poedit it seems so I am still stranded there.

  138. yes i did found the error as i tried changing the form names directly in the PHP, which of course won’t work hahahaha.

    great work, very nice plugin

    I will work with the .po and .mo and see how far it gets me

  139. ok, thanks for responding. appreciate your work on this plugin and look forward to seeing about the potential of using a “permalink” for every “empty” greeting card. it would be awesome if every greeting card had its own, unique page sand title so that sharing on facebook and twitter would be easier.


  140. is there anyway to change the names in the form?

    I mean like the ones below as they could be changed to something more 2010 I am sure.

    Sendername:> Your Name
    Sender*: > your email
    CC to Sender: > send a copy to yourself
    Recipientname: > Receiver
    Recipient*: > email of the receiver

    Where can i change these?

    1. hi Mike,

      you can change it in the translation files in the lang directory. change the .po file and generate a new .mo file. google is your friend look for php gettext

      regards, hans

      p.s. if nothing else works, send me the .po file and i will generate you a .mo file :-)

  141. I got it to work, but then all of a sudden it stopped, giving me double links and the ugly  at the top left off the page.

    It worked fine even after emptying my cache. Any ideas why this stopped?

    1. hello Mike,
      well, I have never heard of such an error. did you change something? maybe empty lines before or after the php code or something like that?
      at what step does this error occur and does it occur every time? did you add new plugins?

      regards, hans

  142. Hi Hans,

    Me again :) Quick question: Is it possible to have the ecards come from the sender’s email address instead of my sites email address? I unchecked “Use informations from profile” thinking that would do it. But when testing, the email notifying the recipient of an ecard is still coming from my site’s email address. I want the address in the „from“ field and the return address to be the sender’s. Is this possible?


    1. hello xiabolai,

      this is intentionally not possible, because due to german law, you as the greeting card maintainer have to make sure that the sender is valid and it is possible to identify the sender. can you check how this is in your country?

      regards, hans

  143. Hi Hans,

    Thanks for responding. Yes, I installed wp-greet 2.2 on a test site and saw the changes. Really look forward to permalinks when you are able to do that. Thanks again for a GREAT plugin.

  144. Hi Hans,

    Sorry to trouble you, but just wondering if you could respond to my comment below (#160) about what changes were made in version 2.2 when you say, “changed link generation to use wordpress default method.” Does this change what I asked about regarding removing the long query strings and using a “permalink” for every “empty” greeting card?

    Also, do you have instructions for upgrading from v2.1? I’ve made significant changes to wp-greet.css and wpg-form.php. Will all these changes be lost? Can I upgrade and then just overwrite the new files with the old wp-greet.css and wpg-form.php? I’m just concerned that if I upgrade, all of the modifications I’ve made will be lost.

    Waiting to go live with new ecard site and need to hear from you about the new version…thanks!! :scratch:

    1. hello xiabolai,

      I changed the link generation using a wordpress function but this does unfortunately not lead to permalinks. I still have this on my todo list. you can look at the changes yourself as I described here. this will lead you to a very comfortable way of following changes of plugin code. in short go to the plugin page at wordpress.org, goto developmen log, select two versions and view changes. thats all.

      hope it helps, hans

  145. Hi Hans,

    I noticed that you updated the plugin. In the changelog it says, „changed link generation to use wordpress default method.“ What does that mean? Does this change what I asked about regarding removing the long query strings and using a „permalink“ for every „empty“ greeting card?

    Also, do you have instructions for upgrading from v2.1? I’ve made significant changes to wp-greet.css and wpg-form.php. Will all these changes be lost? Can I upgrade and then just overwrite the new files with the old wp-greet.css and wpg-form.php? I’m just concerned that if I upgrade, all of the modifications I’ve made will be lost.

    Any information will be greatly appreciated.


  146. Pingback: Wp-greet Plugin | Wordpress Plugins

  147. Hi Hans,

    Yes, that is correct, a permalink – or a unique page/post/URL – for every „empty“ greeting card. That way, it would be easier to share and „Like“ ecards on Facebook and Twitter because you always have a unique permalink to send people to.


  148. Hi, I’m using wp-greet and think it’s awesome! I really appreciate the work you’ve done.

    I do have a suggestion or feature request: In the last couple of years, due to the rise of social networks, a lot of ecard sites are now giving users the ability to easily share ecards on Facebook and Twitter. It’s tough with wp-greet because each ecard doesn’t have its own page, but rather all are sent from the page with the [wp-greet] shortcode. In the future, I’d love to see the ability to dynamically create a unique page for each ecard to make it easier to share ecards on Facebook and Twitter, and have pretty permalinks for each ecard page.

    Do you think this would be a good feature? Is it possible?


    1. hello xiabolai,

      nice idea. if i got you right there would be a permalink for any empty greet card, not for the greet cards allready sent (because they have their own link if you use confirmation). I will add this to the wishlist.

      thanks, hans

  149. hi

    This is my test website which I use to work out the kinks before deployment. so not a lot there.

    So I have most of it working but it seems to only work for a logged in user. IE: I am unable to put in an address other than my WP login user id and that associated email address.

    My second problem was if I tried to use my own image stamp in the corner it would not process the picture.

    I tested it with just the basics set and also tested using various combinations of smtp and pop etc but no luck with either of the above difficulties.


    1. hi GSW,

      if it is only working for logged in users. go to wp-greet / Security and check minimum role to send card, set it to evereybody.
      to change the fields uncheck use information from profile on the main admin page. you have to enter the path to your stamp relative to the wordpress directory e.g. wp-content/plugins/wp-greet/yourstamp.jpg. to use the stamp feature php must be compiled with the gd extension. does ist work with ddefaultstamp.jpg in the wp-greet directoy?

      regards, hans

  150. Hi,

    Thanks for the reply about the permalinks. I’m not a programmer, but am curious if there’s another way around this issue. For example, can I use .htaccess to rewrite those long URLs to replace the query string? If so, do you have any suggestion as to what it might be?


  151. Hi, I’m using wp-greet and love it, thanks so much for this plugin.

    My question is about permalinks for SEO purposes. Currently, the link to an individual ecard looks like this:


    I have tried to use the permalinks setting in nextgen gallery but that has no effect. Is there any way I can use a custom permalink with wp-greet that removes the query string and have it look more like a wordpress pretty permalink?


    1. hello xiabolai,
      unfotunately there is no permalink support in wp-greet at the moment. but I think your hint is worth a try. I will add it to my wishlist and see what I can do to support this in the future.

      best regards, hans

  152. I changed the permalink, that’s why it worked. But that influenced the postings, people could not comment on a post and the links to the posts did not work. Now I have made the permalink standard, and the e-card module isn’t working. When I click the thumbnail only the big picture shows up in thickbox. So the page with the form does not open.

    1. hi Geri,
      well, did you activate the correct gallery and select the correct forms page? you can do this in wp-greet’s admin dialog. btw. I saw you use wp-copy right. I am not sure if wp-greet works with this plugin, can you try to deactivate the plugin and have a look if it works.

      greetings, hans

  153. It seems I can’t get this plugin working. I can click on the thmubnail and the page with the form is opening, but the image doesn’t show up in the form.
    What can be the problem, I have checked the gallery in the options.

    1. hello Geri,
      there are problems when using the lightbox for displaying the gallery images. I just visited your site, and the picture shows up right above the form.
      seems the problem is fixed. wright?

  154. Hello once again Hans,

    WP-Greet plugin works fine with my blog now. I need to know one thing though. With the sent postcard (email received by WP-Greet)I’d like to show the message above attached image. At the moment it shows the image first and then the message. Please let me know which file I should edit in order to achieve this task.

    Maj. :wacko:

  155. I’ve made it work !!!

    after I delete the post that keep the [wp-greet] and recreate it again it works !!
    also several off and on on the plugin but dosen’t matter, now it’s working !!!

    where can I make a small donation for this plugin ?

    thank you very much

  156. thank you very much for the reply !

    I didn’t choose the effects on Nexgen Gallery to be Shadowbox but after a short look
    I have made some modifications on default Shadowbox Configuration and put „Flase“ each default „True“ settings on „Shadowbox Automation“ section : Image Links, FLV Links, Movie Links, Music Links, YouTube and Google Video Links

    Right now it’s stop to open that black screen without the image ( Shadowbox ) but on click
    open the same page with the cards :

    On the first click on load of the ecards page the link look like this :

    http:// ….. /archives/456

    any click on thumbs don’t open the form page but the same page with some modification to the url :

    http:// ….. /archives/456?gallery=1&image=http:// ….. /wp-content/gallery/ecards/theimage.jpg

  157. please admin, add these lines to the earlyer post. thank you
    I forgot, on the first click on eany image it’s open the same page and nothing happen. at the second click open the shadowbox page with no image on it. so is not sent the page to the form

    1. hello tmp,

      I am not sure but I think the shadowbox is not a standard effect of nextgen gallery. therefore the redirect mechanism wp-greet uses might nont work. can you try it using e.g. thickbox. this should work.

      regards, hans

  158. can anyone help me with this pice of nice work ?
    I follow the instructions but when I click on the nextgen gallery is not open the second page
    with the big image and the form to send the ecard, but start shadowbox without the big image. something like don’t start coreclty. can anyone help ? thank you a lot

    Im using wordpress 2.8.4 , wp-greet 2.1 and nextgen 1.4.3

  159. Hans,

    thanks once again. I tackled the problem. I simply haven’t activated appropriate gallery at gallery tab under WP-Greet in WP admin panel. I think your guide is missing that step. Please mention that in your readme file and all other guides so a little lose guys like me can stay away from troubling you on this forum. LOL.


  160. Hey Hans,

    Sure I can see the form page ans ngg works too, but when I click an image in the gallery page, it executes the lightbox effect rather than taking me to the form page with the image I’ve clicked. If this is working without a problem, should there be a link below each image saying „send postcard“ or something or if not is it just the image?

    Thanks for your quick response.

  161. Hi, Many thanks for this awesome plugin. I installed it on my blog and I can remember it was working fine. However after a day of the installation I deleted those pages I created for this feature as it was just a test. Then I created some new pages with real content and tried to setup the postcard feature. Now it won’t work.
    At my test run, I remember it all happened automatically with nextgen gallery. I’m just wondering if I’m missing something somewhere.
    Please help me out.
    Thank you.

    1. hi Maj,
      it is very difficult to say whats wrong only knowing that „it won’t work“. can you give some more details please? does ngg work? can you see the greet card form?
      and so on…

      regards, hans

  162. is there a way to change the field names (i.e. Sendername, Recepientname, etc)? My client is not grasping the way this is labeled and would like for it to be clear (Sender as opposed to Sendername, Recipient as opposed to Recepientname, etc.)

    1. hello amanda,
      yes I think so. you can create your own translation file. copy wp-greet.pot to lang/en_US.po (if en_US is the langauge you use) edit en_US.po, build a .mo file. that’s it :-)

  163. I like your plugin, nice job. There is an amazing amount of customization. I am working on a WordPress site for a client and using your wp-greet for the first time. The site url is http://www.twgrecruiters.com and wp-greet lives at …/e-card-maker1 (password protected page). I have uploaded several designs into the corresponding NextGen Gallery and everything is working properly except I am not receiving any e-mail (I am using the smtp style, I have input the proper information into the phpmailer-config.php as follows:

    I have also set my own email address as the mail return path (to check if there is some sort of mail failure which is preventing the delivery of wp-greet messages).

    When I unchecked „smtp mode“ and set to „php fetch mode“ I received the email message telling me to follow the link to the webpage with the specific e-card, and everything works properly.

    However, when I’m in „smtp mode“ and have „send inline“ checked and have „php fetch mode“ unchecked, and after all of the steps, I select the „send“ option wp-greet returns a „successful“ message along with the link to return to the wp-greet „start“, but I never receive the email. Do you have any ideas or guidance to help me finish this wp-greet install?

    Again, great job and thanks for your time and attention.

    1. hello Steviemack,
      well, SMTP mail method is not supported by every provider. the first thing you should do is make sure your provider does support smtp mail. the next is to check if you remove the slashes in phpmailer-config.php in front of the user and password lines. unfortunately I can not see what you typed in the phpmailer-config.php.

  164. figured it out by using the plugin Page Links to

    thanks again for your help.

    is there a way to change the field names (i.e. Sendername, Recepientname, etc)?

    1. amanda,
      editing your theme files might be a good point to begin. I guess having a look at header.php or index.php should lead to success. this is no matter of wp-greet but customization of your theme.

      regards, hans

    1. hello amanda,
      sorry, I just did not recognize your question and thank you for the reminder. I am not sure I got your request wright. you want to go directly to send a greeting card without selecting the image first? thats easy, you can integrate the correct link directly whereever you want, even in a pulldown field. the link is constructed as follows
      http://www.yourdomain.com/permalinktoyourgreetformpage/&gallery=number_of_gallery&image=url_to_image_file. as an example have a look at the links underlying in the thumbnail view. I hope I got your request correct, should be easy to make your customer happy now.

      regards, hans

  165. Hi,

    I installed the plugin and it seems te work (in php). If I check smtp then it will not work (any idea). Also none of the cards reach any Hotmail adress but the do come in my gmail inbox. Do you know how to fix the hotmail thing? (or work around)

    if with the fetching mode on it will not work in hotmail

    1. hello Roy,
      for using smtp there must be various prerequesites as described, your provider must allow it, you probably have to set the correct user and password in phpmailer.conf (do not forget to remove the slashes to activate the lines. that hotmail stuff is surely no problem with wp-greet. you can read all over the web of the various problems sending mails to hotmail accounts and the reasons for that.

  166. Thank you! It is working now. Seems silly but when I checked that box the first time and multiple times before, it did not work. It would link to my homepage instead of the greet page.

    Now, my next question is, is there a way to bypass the thumbnail page (page id 62) and just have the Send a Postcard drop down item (under Support) go directly to the greet page? I think this might be where I ran into trouble before thus messing up my links. The thumbnail page (id 62) is not necessary and I have a feeling my client will not want it to be like that. ANy ideas?

    1. amanda, did you select the gallery at the gallery selection dialog? (wp-greet / galleries / activate the gallery setting an x and save it). it should work with the versions you have in use.

  167. I’ve followed your usage instructions but when I try to send a postcard, the image either links to an enlarged view of the image (when I do not have the postcards gallery checkmarked as active) or links back to my home page instead of the page where there is an enlarged view of the postcard as well as the sender and recipient information. When I do have the postcards gallery checkmarked as active, the thumbnail link takes me to my home page. Not where it needs to go. I really need some assistance.

    link to postcard gallery page: http://test.drownforjudge.com/?page_id=62
    link to greet page per instruction above: http://test.drownforjudge.com/?page_id=60

    What am I missing?!!?

    1. hello amanda,
      please check if you have selected the greet page (your id 60) in the wp-greet admin dialog (second field from the top, Form-Post/Page) and saved this setting.
      it seems as if nextgen-gallery is not informed about the forms page. by the way which version of nextgen-gallery and wp-greet do you use?

      regards, hans

  168. I love the work you have done. How can I change your plugin to english so the results are in english I am haveing a hell of a time trying to figure it out. and by the way Merry Christmass and Happy New Year.

    1. hello Fabian,
      in what language does wp-greet talk to you? it should be switch to the blog default language automatically. if there is not corresponding translation it should fall back to english. I will check this. meanwhile, did you try to rename or remove the lang/*.mo files? that should do the trick.

      thanks for your hint

  169. Hi,
    Thanks for getting back to me. I am new at all this. I have a couple of issues that I didn’t realize until after I wrote you. First, I cannot find the file: wp-greet-default.css

    These are the files that WordPress lists for editing:
    * wp-greet/wp-greet.php
    * wp-greet/wpg_service.php
    * wp-greet/phpmailer-conf.php
    * wp-greet/wp-greet.css
    * wp-greet/wpg-func.php
    * wp-greet/wpg-func-mail.php
    * wp-greet/wpg-admin-log.php
    * wp-greet/setup.php
    * wp-greet/wpg-stamped.php
    * wp-greet/wpg-admin-sec.php
    * wp-greet/wpg-admin-gal.php
    * wp-greet/readme.txt
    * wp-greet/wpg-admin.php
    * wp-greet/wpg-form.php

    Is the default somewhere else?
    Should I re-download the wpgreet plugin from the wordpress site?

    The other issues I’ll get back to you after I sort this one.



  170. I would like to make some change to the actual form. Instead of sendername I would like it to have a space between sender and name. Also changing the font would be nice.
    I am using wordpress 2.8.6. but I can’t find the file that I can edit.


    1. hello marc,
      to change the font or other style settings you can copy wp-greet-default.css to wp-greet.css and edit it as you wanted. to change the labels you can edit the corresponding .po file in the lang folder and convert it to a new .mo file.

    1. hello Sylvia,
      it seems you were wright. If I replace ?p=4082 with cards the greet form loads correctly at your site. I have now tested this on other sites, there the problem does not occure. I will check if I can fetch the correct permalink within wp-greet but would also be interested in understanding why on your blog this is not done automatically like on others (where ?p=1 is replaced with whateverthepageiscalled by wordpress). could be done by a seo plugin or similiar. any ideas?

    1. hello Sylvia,
      as you can see tuxlog.de uses non numeric permalinks and you can send cards. I checked your site and would like to ask you about the contents of your .htaccess and/or robots.txt file. maybe you have got a redirection for urls using an ampersand or something like this. btw. I can call your form directly getting the hint from wp-greet the stampimage is not found. you can correct this in your wp-greet settings entering a valid stamp image path relative to the wordpress main directory or leave the field empty.

  171. Hello and thank you for your response.

    Yes, I’m using Wp-Greet 2.0 on WordPress 2.8.6. My PHP version is „5.2.11“; MYSQL version is „5.0.82sp1-log“ on a Linux server. Unfortunately I don’t know where to get my „server settings for time“ and my „offset in WordPress“ (maybe you can help?).
    I’ve made some screenshots of admin settings for the plugin:

    At last, something very strange happened today. I deleted all plugin files and related database entries. Then I re-installed the plugin and with the very first card sent everything went ok (I could retrieve it). Unfortunately, from the second on the problem happened again. Thank you very much for your help.

    1. hello Daniele,
      it was a problem with using ‚ in the subject of the greeting card. we fixed it and it will be included in the next release in a few days.
      thanks for your assistance


  172. Ah looks like it’s working now.. May be because I only had one photo that it did not work? Anyway, great application and thanks for it


  173. Hi Hand and Barbara,

    Thats my second site and the first it is working great. I am trying to install it in the second one, and for some reason when you pick a photo, it will loop back to the front page of the site with such a URL: http://algerie-au-mondial.com/?gallery=1&image=http://algerie-au-mondial.com/wp-content/blogs.dir/1/files/algerie/une1.jpg

    You can test in here to see what I mean: http://algerie-au-mondial.com/invitations/

    I appreciate any feedback.


    1. hi arezki,
      when i test you greeting cards i get „You are not permitted to send greeting cards.
      Please contact you wordpress Administrator.“ now. this should be possible to allow when changing the corresponding setting at the security tab from admin to e.g. everone.

  174. Hello! Unfortunately I’ve deleted all the entries for wpgreet_cards but anything changed :(. It’s still saying every code is incorrect. What can I do? Please help, this plugin would be very useful for my website!


    1. hello daniele,
      okay, we have to go in a more deeper analysis then. i suppose you use wp-greet 2.0, wordpress 2.8.6. can you give me the version of you php and mysql installation please. also your server settings for time and your offset in wordpress would be interesting. and please send me screenshots of you admin settings for wp-greet via pm.

  175. Hello and thank you for your beautiful plugin. I’m in trouble because, while testing it on my website, after 3 or 4 correct cards, it now sends every card with „uncorrect code“. From now on, every time I send a postcard, when the recipient clicks on the link and goes on my website, it gets an „invalid code error“.

    What am I missing? Can you help me? The starting link is: http://www.stivalebucato.it/stivale/senza-categoria/le-cartoline-di-natale-dello-stivale/

    (I’m already testing it for Christmas)

    Daniele Semeraro (Rome, Italy)

    1. hello Daniele,
      I just tried to send a card from your site and can see what you mean. it seems there is a invalid entry in the database.
      can you delete all records from the table wpgreet_cards and try it again please.

  176. A couple of problems similar to #91

    The plugin does not display the picture on the form page nor in the preview page.
    The form sends OK
    The form operates as designed if specified fields are not filled in and the math captcha works correctly located here http://rcpm.org.au/?page_id=1334

    The receivers email when clicked displays the message details but no picture.

    I have deactivated the plugin and the ngg plugin works and displays correctly on the card page. Reactivate and the form appears but no picture.

    The logging section displays the thumb of the card sent and relevant details correctly
    Your help appreciated.

  177. Seem to have gotten the previous issue fixed by first adding the script to the page – the drop down then populated. One additional thing that I am experiencing and have seen other posts about this same issue on here but no answer is to why my preview image is not showing up after I select a gallery image? Any thoughts to why this might be happening? The image shows up on the gallery page – I then select the image – it takes me to the form but the image alt tag appears on the page and now preview image – same thing happens after I hit the „Preview“ button (no image just the alt tag).

    1. hello Kris,
      there are some issues dpeending on which workflow you select for your greeting card. some of them are fixed and I am working on the test at the moment. if you like to, I will send you the pre-beta of v2.0 and you can try if it solves your problem. btw can you give me your url, to have a look at the results at your site. please give me a sign, if you would like to test it?

      cheers, hans

  178. Hello Hans,

    Let me start by saying this looks like a great plugin. I tried to install it but after installation I started going through the setup and the Form-Post/Page: drop down field is blank. Am I missing something? I’m running the newest version of WordPress 2.8.6 – is there a version in the works for this version of wordpress? I know it says currently compatible up to version 2.8.5.

  179. Thanks Gravatar for the replay.
    On my opinion the main fields (Name/s & Email/s) in the posting forms,they should be compulsory, otherwise the recipient will never know the sender’s details.
    As matter of fact on the past 3 months I tested quite few forms and I must say 98% they all make sure these fields are well secured. (Although the sender can send a fake name).
    I’m not a Php expert (I do enjoy tweak here and there) and I managed to make some alterations on the
    wpg-form.php file. Well as result the form it will not be send unless the sender+recipients names are filled in. Whit that tweak the results were negative, because once card the card was filled in and posted, yes I did get the validation email (which it was validate) but when I returned back to the email program to collect the message that there is a postcard for me… :negative: well the email it never arrived. (Similar results with all 6 remaining attempts). I will retry tomorrow.
    Thanks again Antonio

  180. Thanks Gravatar, then I think the script is not complete, because we are forced to use CAPTCHA + TERMS to have all 4 warning. But in my case since I don’t use them two, when the user is sending the form without filling the SENDER NAME + RECIPIENT NAME + THE TEXT MESSAGE the person whom receives the postcard IT WILL NEVER KNOW WHO SEND THE ECARD? I’m correct?

    1. hello Antonio,
      now I get what your idea is. you wanna check the sender and receiver name too and make the a mandatory input field. well, of course you know who sends you the mail, because wou will see the sender email address. but your idea is worth thinking about a feature which lets you control which fields are mandatory and which not. I will check this.

    1. hello Antonio,
      I got it. at Barbaras site you see four Warnings for senderaddress, seceiveraddress, wrong spamprotect input and not accepted terms of usage.
      since you don’t use terms of usage feature and don’t use a anti spam plugin you see only two warnings. thats all. :-)

      cheers hans

  181. Hi to all,
    First I would like to thank you for the super script. Yes when I installed the scrip I had problems with settings but all is working fine, expect one small issue:
    When I done the test if don’t fill in the following fields:
    a- Sender Name
    b- Recipient Name
    c- Message box

    The are No warning errors.
    While I do get the error messages only for the Sender and the Recipient email address is (wrong or missing).

    But I noticed, when I done the test on Barbara’s site, I could see all 4 ERROR MESSAGES.

    I would appreciate if you can give me some indication how to solve this little problem.
    Many thanks in advance and best regards

  182. WOW! This is a great plugin but I can’t seem to get it to work no matter what I try. The image on the ecard page is broken… when I send a test card it never arrives… I’m at a loss and don’t know what else to do… I’ve read everything here and I’ve tried everthing… Is this plugin not working or not supported anymore? I’m bummed!

    1. hello todd,
      the plugin is alive and there are several users which confirm the v1.8 as up and running. :-) can you describe your problem a bit more in detail, please. first of all make your nextgengallery plugin work without wp-greet please.

      thanks hans

  183. when hotlink protection is off i get 404 error

    when hotlink protection is on im able to see that gallery, but when I click on the picture it goes back to the homepage

    1. hello maksev,
      I think there was a similiar problem some month ago. the provider did not allow url rewrite and we fixed with a quick and dirty workaround. can you give me your url / permalink settings in wordpress please.

  184. Hi Hans and Barbara: the power of persistence and trial and error. I think I figured it out. Basically there was a widget on the right column called „site-wide activity“ or something like that. The widget was OK, except that when trying to highlight your form as if you were to do a „copy-paste“, the could not to your form but on whatever widget was place at its immediate right at the level of the TEXTAREA. It’s as if the mouse thinks that the right bar (widget) was the extension of your form. So my basic deduction was to disable that widget… and from what I see, it did the trick. Or I think. In any case, just food for thought and thank you for the great work.

  185. Hans, thanks so much for the quick response. Yesterday I tried to send via SMTP as well as PHP and neither worked. Today, after reading your response, I tried to send to an incorrect email address and have not yet received an email. And yes, I do often receive emails from WordPress (for user registration etc)

    I host with GoDaddy and do NOT have email set up with them as it costs extra (!) Is this maybe the issue? I was unfamiliar as well with the phpmailer config until now. I looked at it and there is some some SMTP host/authentication needs there but I’m not well versed enough to know a) if that information comes from GoDaddy or b) if it exists at all without a mail account with them.

    Thanks again for the great plugin and the quick response. If you have more questions, I’ve always got more answers until I figure this thing out.

    1. hello nathan,
      please contact your provider and ask for the right parameters and if this service is contained within your account.
      just ask if you can send mail via an godaddy smtp mailserver and/or use php mail function. good luck :-)

    1. hello arezki,
      well that is a step in the right direction. just to besure about this login plugin at the top of your page. can deactiate this plugin and try it again. it is the only plugin that obviously produces a hole bunch of xhtml errors. menawhile I will test with ngg 1.3.5 and ie6.

  186. Hello Hans: thank you for your feedback. I am using version 1.3.5 of NexGen. I found your discovery about using the keyboard very interesting, and rather promising for some resolution at some point… I uploaded the file you sent me but same issue. I do have the feeling that the NextGen install was not so great. I recall at some point something was not working but I managed to install your script later and it works fine with all browsers excet IE6/7. I am going to check again NextGen and see what’s happening there, meanwhile if you see anything interesting, please by all means let me know. Thanks a mil for your support.


  187. Hi Barbara: quick update. I installed the math-comment and the IE6/7 issue still there. I will try a post at WordPress.org to see if anyone faced similar problems. Meanwhile if Hans has any feedback.. that would be greatly appreciated.

    Good weekend!

    1. hello Arezki,
      I just tested your site with ie6 and sent a card, thats the good news :-) I have had to use the keyboard to naviagate between the form fields and the image was not shown, neither on the form dialog nor in the mail. the url is still blank. can you give me the ngg version you use? maybe it is a problem with a special ngg version together with the current wp-greet version. it works with my testinstallation, so something must be different. by the way I fixed the minor xhtml errors in wp-greet and sent you the corrected file, just in case.

  188. I am SO excited to find this plugin. So thank you.
    However, I installed the plugin, set up my pages/posts and it APPEARS everything works fine… with one exception, the emails never arrive!

    Are there other settings beyond those described in your usage that I need to worry about? It’s been at least an hour and I’ve still not gotten the two test emails I sent although they DO show up in the wp-greet logs.

    Any help would be appreciated. Thanks again for such a great plugin.

    1. hello nathan,
      have you tried to send a card to a non existent email address. do you get an error message from your mailserver?
      did you try different settings in php-mailer.conf? on somer servers you have to give your account data to login to the smtp server?
      does your php mail function work? does wordpress sends mails to you?
      you see a bit more of information is needed to find the clue. any hint can help.


  189. Yes you are right, it doesn’t work with IE6 and 7. It seems to be that there is an error when you have no spam protection enabled (at least there is an error in the source code then). We’ll have to wait and see what Hans says. In the meantime you could enable a spam protection to see if it makes a difference.

  190. Hi Barbara,

    Quick question: I tested wp-greet again today and works fine with Firefox but with Explorer, the „preview-send-reset“ buttons are not responding. Are you familiar of what may cause this, by chance? I will check your forum but a talking to you would be a good short cut. Thanks again for a terrific product. My site is tatazara.com and wp-greet is triggered at http://tatazara.com/thecards/


  191. Great! Thank you, Barbabara. It’s interesting because I tried it with two other computers and it works fine. I suppose my laptop here just won’t do it. Concerning the buddypress plugin error, thanks also. I’ll check it out. Have a good sunday.


  192. Hi Arezki,
    I just tested your cards with IE 8 and had no problems to send a card. I just got an error message (the little triangle on the left bottom of the screen with the exclamation mark in it) concerning your buddypress plugin.

  193. Hans,

    A tiny glitch.. I suspect it’s on my side. I tested your script with both Firefox and Safari, both work great. Using Explorer 8.x it does not allow the form to be entered. Here are the links just in case u want to test

    list of pics: http://tatazara.com/thecards/
    where the greet linl is: http://tatazara.com/cards/

    I have the sneaky suspicion that it’s MS Explorer security features, but who knows.


  194. Hi,
    great plugin. All seems to be working except I don’t get an image in the greet page where I’m filling in the info to send the card. I just get a small box w/ a „?“ in it. If I send the card I recieve it correctly. Just no image on the greet page. Any ideas?

  195. hi Hans. thank you for the plugin and the tutorial. I have some problems here with the plugin. I am using wp 2.8.1, nggallery2 and wp-greet v1.5. I did everything as said in tutorial, then when i tried to see if functioning correctly and selected a card it redirected to home page instead of [wp-greet]page. but after a while i saw [wp-greet] page(i did nothing in between)but without a picture i selected again the card sending page shows my email address in Sender field, this email is the one I’m registered with WP. now inspite of having no picture if i click preview or send button it shows me „Fatal error: Call to undefined function checkdnsrr() in C:\wamp\www\Blog\wp-content\plugins\wp-greet\wpg-func.php on line 129“. while going thru your comments people had similar problem, but how their problem solved is not a mention. please help me with this. thanx.

    1. hello ragess,
      could it be that your provider changed the php version and / or disables the function checkdnsrr?
      I will add this to be checked in the next release. to fix it just comment out the checkdnsrr block in wpg-func.php.

  196. Harry, BikeTravellers.com

    Hi there,

    I have already hundreds of images in my WordPRess media Library,without using Next Gen (mostly uploaded through Live Writer).
    Is there a way I can use your greeting plugin without having to re-upload and duplicate all images?
    Can NGG maybe import existing images?

    Vielen Dank,


  197. Weird, tried to do a fresh install of wordpress to a subdirectory in my domain and install nextgen and wp-greet there with not theme, editing, or additional plugins. Got it all set up and with the same results. It works until the point that it needs to combine the two and it goes back to the index.

  198. Okay, did some research on my own to find out what I could. Found a plugin that would allow me to view the rewrite rules, though I have no idea what I am looking for. Here is the information it presented.

    > Permalink: /%year%/%monthnum%/%day%/%postname%/
    > Writable .htaccess file found
    > mod_rewrite found
    > Not using pathinfo style index permalinks
    > Using mod_rewrite permalinks

    WordPress Generated .htaccess Rules

    RewriteEngine On
    RewriteBase /
    RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f
    RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-d
    RewriteRule . /index.php [L]

    All WordPress RewriteRules

    robots.txt$ == index.php?robots=1
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    Full Contents of your .htaccess file

    RewriteEngine On
    RewriteBase /
    RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f
    RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-d
    RewriteRule . /index.php [L]

    # BEGIN WordPress

    RewriteEngine On
    RewriteBase /
    RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f
    RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-d
    RewriteRule . /index.php [L]

    # END WordPress

  199. Hans,

    No sorry I didn’t. I wasn’t sure exactly what that was referring to. I can get my way around a lot of this stuff pretty well and even edit some stuff here and there, but I don’t know all of the specifics and wasn’t sure exactly what you were referring to or where that would be checked or changed. Sorry about that.


  200. Hans,

    I have had it set to everyone this entire time, so that hasn’t changed at all. I tried to unhide it again in an attempt to rule it out and got the same exact result.

    Thanks for your help on this. Anything else at all you can think of trying?

    Thanks again.


  201. Hello Hans,

    First, I wanted to know if Wp-greet has been proven to work with Next Gen Gallery 1.1.0?

    Also, I seem to have the same problem with NGG 1.02 and 1.1.0. I am using Wp-greet 1.4 on WP 2.7.1.

    When I click the test image I set up it goes to this page:


    Now, the link seems correct, but for some reason just loads the front index page (home) instead of loading the [wp-greet] page (I’ve hidden and tried unhidden as well).

    If I break the link up the image loads fine and the „greet“ page opens fine, together though the link seems to fail.

    Any help would be appreciated. I have been playing with this for hours now and have not gotten very far.

    Thank you.

    1. hello Domenick,

      I jsut tried wp-greet 1.4 with wp 2.7.1 and ngg 1.1.0 and it worked. I also tried both links your greet card form and your toilet picture both worked.
      I can not reproduce this problem with my testinstallation. maybe it is something with you rewrite rules but we have never had this case before. when tracking it with firebug I got an 403 forbidden error when loading the page. can you try unhide the page and select everyone in wp-greet admin dialog please. I suppose because of the 403 you are redirected to the start page.


  202. Hi,
    I have the plugin up and working. I was wondering on the form how I could change
    „Recipeint:“ to say „Recipient Email:“
    Thanks for a great plugin!

  203. Update: I didn’t find the css file, but I’m using the Mandigo theme, and I found the location that The setting can be changed which was causing the problem. I put up a screen grab of the setting here, but it’s under Appearance>Theme Options>Posts>Images>“Do not wrap text around images at all“.

    Hope this helps someone in the future, and thanks again for providing such an awesome plugin!

  204. Hans and Barbara – thank you so much for your information! I really appreciate the response even though it took me way too long to get back here.

    Barbara – I’ve since removed the older version of wp-greet and installed 1.3 and I’m still having the same issue. I went looking through just about every css file I could get my hands on and couldn’t find any that included „.entry img float:left“. Are you able to tell which css file that’s in?

  205. Hi… after installing WP-Greet v1.3, NextGEN v1.0.0 and captcha!, something weird happened.
    It looks like the ecards page where the tag [wp-greet] is at, is breaking the page after this code:


    Any ideas? Please have a look at my site http://www.kantoffis.com/wordpress/
    I have 2 pages setup, ecards (with the gallery) and ecard (with the [wp-greet] tag)

    Regards and thanks in advanced.

  206. hi Jeff,

    well, seems we have to go into a deeper kind of analysis. can you send me your wp-greet adminscreens
    and the link to your wp-greet-form page. maybe you want to try disable thickbox as well, you find the option under the tab effects in the gallerie admin screens.


  207. Hi Hans,
    Security is set to everyone. I am no longer hiding the greet page.
    Still get a „page not found“ message when clicking on a thumbnail on the „mycard“ page.
    When I click on the „greet“ page that is now showing in the menu, I get the form for sending an ecard, but no image of an ecard to send.
    I’m sure I’ve got something wrong in my setup. but cannot figure it out.

  208. hello Jeff,

    the thickbox problem shouldn’t occure with wp-greet 1.3 and ngg 1.02. what security level did you set? (in wp-greet admin dialog, should be Evereyone) does it work when you do not hide the page?

    I know about the captcha problem, which occures when you do not want to use a captcha. this will be fixed soon.


  209. Hi,
    Just updated to wp-greet 1.3 and nextgen gallery 1.02.
    Still no luck. Now I get a…

    Page not Found

    We’re sorry, but the page you’re looking for isn’t here.

    Try searching for the page you are looking for or using the navigation in the header or sidebar.

    I have a page created called „greet“ w/ the following content.

    Click here

    The theme I am using allows me to hide pages from the menu list, so I am using that to hide the greet page. I have not tried to disable the „thickbox“ in Nextgen because I cannot seem to locate it.

    On the „mycards“ page I am calling the ID of the gallery [gallery=1]

    I am not using a captcha plugin so I’m getting the message „capthca not found“ in wp-greet setup

    Any ideas???


  210. Hi,
    I’ve been away from this but back now. thanks for your response.
    I’m installing the new version of wp_greet(1.3) and trying again.
    I’ll let you know my progress.

  211. hello Rakam,

    I remember that we got this once before. it was a problem with the provider and the permission to send mail. can you confirm that you wordpress sends you mail, e.g. when new comments are posted?


  212. hello Jeff,

    kann you tell me the version of nextgengallery you use? can you try with thickbox disabled. it seems there is a change in the new versions of ngg which is not compatible with wp-greet. I have to tell Alex about it. please test it and give feedback.


  213. I’ve found it out what is the problem:

    checkdnserr() does not exist on Windows.

    Try turning off the checkbox in the settings that says „validate email address“.

    That causes this section of the code not to be called at all.

    I ereased the part after
    // function to check if an email adress is valid
    // checks format and existance of mx record for mail host
    in wpg-func and the check_mail() from wpg-form.php

    Now the following error message appeared:

    An error occured while sending you greeting card.
    Problem report Language string failed to load: recipients_failed[THE RECIPIENTS ADRESS]

  214. OK. That part is resolved:).

    What’s with this?
    PHP Fatal error: Call to undefined function checkdnsrr() in C:HostingSpacestemesvaritemesvari.rowwwrootwp-contentpluginswp-greetwpg-func.php on line 123

    line 123: if (checkdnsrr($host, „MX“)){

  215. Hello!

    I would love to see this plugin working:).. All the configurations done, smtp server tested, gallery is ok if it’s alone.

    I don’t get it how come this should work out properly so the problem is with my understanding and at this part:
    I put for ex. in greet page (has ID=3) [wp-greet] /link/ and to mycard page I post [nggallery id=3].

    With [gallery id=3] comes the default wp gallery… Please after a great lol help me out, get this thing working for me too!:)

  216. Also, when I did place [wp-greet] on the gallery page and was able to
    send an ecard, the mail went through but no picture was attached.

    P.S. this looks like an awesome plugin!

  217. Hi,
    Just uploaded and installed 1.2. This is the first installation of wp-greet.
    Also uploaded and installed Nextgen gallery 1.01

    I’ve been through the installation steps on this page 5 times and it doesn’t seem to work.
    The only way I can get anything is if I included [wp-greet] in my gallery page. Then I
    get the fields for sender there on that page.
    If I create a separate page for [wp-greet] I don’t get any
    greet fields when I click on an image in the gallery, the image just pops up full screen and the outside area goes dark.

    Any ideas???



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  219. hello Maida,

    your german is great. the new release of wp-greet will be out during the next few days, so you just need a little more patience. we have almost finished the tests and only have to update the documenation before releasing it.

    looking forward to hear about your experience with wp-greet


  220. Hallo Hans,

    Ich hatte 2 Jahre in Deutschland gewohnt und gearbeitet (1997-1999) aber jetzt ist meine Deutsche schlect so…

    I am currently running WP 2.6.2 with NextGen Gallery 0.99.1 so I have not been able to use your plugin yet.

    I noticed that you are working on v1.1 of wp-greet. Do you know when this might be released?

    If you need help with testing, I am happy to assist.

    Vielen dank,

  221. MrLich,

    I just checked both and they both seem to work. can you describe your problem in more detail.
    concerning the sidebar overlapping problem I am currently developing v1.1. which will be released soon and hopefully supports themes a bit mor flexible, that should fix it.
    please give me feedback about v1.1 when u tested it.


  222. First off: Thank You! This is a fantastic plugin, and I’m looking forward to using it!

    I’m having a slight problem getting the layout of the ‚form‘ page to work right. It brings up my image on the left, and the form on the right. However, the form portion is overlapping my sidebar, and I can’t seem to find which file to modify to change that. I just want the form to be either above the image (this would be the best option) or below the image if necessary.

    Any ideas?

  223. Hi wp-greet people,

    I have been unable to enter .co.uk email addresses into the wp-greet setup form and have traced the problem to code in funclib.php. Changing it as follows resolved the problem:

    // $host = $hparts[count($hparts)-2]. „.“ . $hparts[count($hparts)-1];
    $host = „“;
    foreach($hparts as $val) { $host .= „.$val“; }
    $host = substr($host,1,strlen($host));

    Many thanks for an otherwise fantastic plugin.

    HTH. Regards,

  224. Don’t worry Barbara and thanks for your suggest. I checked and as i installed this time nextgen gallery in automatic way, nggfunction wasn’t updated in nextgen dir due to permission issue. Now i have uploaded it through ssh with admin privileges and file has been correctly overwrited.
    Now all works fine ;)

  225. Hi Hans, I got the greeting card working now. I have an other quistion though. The captcha plugin is’nt working for me. My site goes blank after activating the plugin. Is there an other way for some protection?
    And is it possible to not show my blog (or author) email adres in the standard „Sender:“ option bar when a user wants to sent a card?

  226. Hello Fabio,
    it works for me with NextGen 0.95 and WP 2.5.1. What exactly doesn’t work in your blog and did it work with a former version of NextGen Gallery? Did you upload nggfunctions.php from wp-greet/patches/ngg to your Nextgen Gallery folder?

  227. Hi Hans (and Barbara), Thank you for the suggestions. Other mailforms like the subscribe and cforms plugins work fine, so i’m not sure where the problem lays. I will try to look and find out, or ask my host about the smtp. Greetings

  228. hello Printer,

    did you check you php-mailer.conf file? did you edit the smtp-server or maybe you are only allowed to send mail via ASMTP? it seems wp-greet can not contact your smtp server.


  229. Hi Printer, I don’t have the slightest idea, but I’m sure that Hans will soon help you – he is the creator of the plugin, I’m just the one who writes the instructions :-)

  230. Hi Barbara, Thank you for this nice plugin. I have one problem though. Maybe you know what it do about it.. I have set up the pages and it looks like it works fine. But when I try to send an e-card I get the folowing message:
    „An error occured while sending you greeting card.
    Problem report Language string failed to load: connect_host“.
    Do you know what this means and what I can do to make it work?

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